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RE: Traditional Austrian Cuisine Recipe: "Zwetschgenknödel" (Plum Dumplings)

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Mmhmmm these are looking so good! Zwetschgen oder Marillenknoedel, I don't think I ever tried those, but yes to potato dumplings in Germany. The problem here in the US actually starts with finding Zwetschgen (prunes) most of the time you only get the bigger plums which would likely not work. Maybe I'll try these with apricots. Do you really eat these without any sauce or gravy?

BTW I have very fond memories of skiing in the Alps and having 'Pflaumenmus' filled Germknoedel with vanilla sauce.

Got to try these though. Thanks for the recipe!


Yami germknödel are also very fine. But I never made them myself because the frozen to byu taste very well. But I never had them with vanilla Sauce. Only with melted Butter.

Yes the Marillenknödel without Sauce. The fruits inside make it juicy when you cut them. Think that makes the sugar putten inside with make the Juice out the fruits a little

For the daugh you need floury potatoe or maybe cooking normal potatoe a little bit longer

And what would you use for making the SemmelBrösel ?

I think that I've actually seen normal 'German' Semmelbrösel here in a supermarket. A lot of the supermarkets have specialty aisles. Over in NY I know there is even a German shop with imported German goods - LOL - but I haven't been there in years. Guess I don't miss my German home that much 😂

Ok, I think since Arnold Schwarzenegger and his Wiener Schnitzel, Semmelbrösel got familiar to the US ;-) Are you born in germany?

Maybe and yes, and I still am German, just live in the US on a greencard.

und warum sprechen wir dann englisch? ;-)

Gewohnheit :) Schliesslich lebe ich ja hier (seit 10 Jahren) und sprech/denke es täglich - LOL.

Haha cool ;-) und ich plage mich österreichisches essen auf englisch zu erklären