(ENG-SPA) DESAYUNO fácil: Panqueques de zanahoria 🥞🥕 + jugo de pumalacas ♥️🥤// EASY BREAKFAST: Carrot Pancakes 🥞🥕 + pumalaca juice ♥️🥤

in Foodies Bee Hive5 months ago


Un saludito para todos. Excelente día 🙏❤

A little greeting to everyone. Have an excellent day 🙏❤

Hoy tengo el placer de compartir este desayuno 😋 ya he realizado diferentes posts de panqueques, pero siempre estoy haciendolas con muchas variaciones, hoy las hice con zanahoria y a mí me encantan, para mí tienen un sabor muy parecido al de las cachapas que nos encantan a mí y a mí familia 💜.

Today I have the pleasure of sharing this breakfast 😋 I have posted different pancake recipes before, but I always make them with many variations. Today I made them with carrot and I love them, they taste very similar to cachapas, which my family and I love 💜.

La zanahoria es una fuente de vitaminas. Decidí no añadirle demasiada azúcar porque la zanahoria por sí misma tiene cierto grado de dulzor.

Carrots are a great source of vitamins. I decided not to add too much sugar because carrots themselves have a certain degree of sweetness.

A mí me gusta cuidar nuestra salud, con este tipo de comidas siento que lo estoy haciendo.

I like to take care of our health, and with this kind of food, I feel like I'm doing just that.

Este jugo es de unas pumalacas cosecha de la cosecha de la mata de mi mamá, que esta temporada se dieron pequeñas, pero más prácticas por el hecho de que no tienen semillas, nosotras las llamamos manzanitas y nos encantan!!

This juice is made from pumalacas harvested from my mom's plant, which produced small fruits this season, but they are more practical because they are seedless. We call them "little apples" and we love them!!


  • 1 zanahoria grande. 🥕
  • 2 y ½ tazas de agua. 💧
  • 2 y ½ de harina de trigo leudante. 🌾
  • 1 cucharada de azúcar. 🥄🍯
  • ½ cucharadita de sal. 🧂
  • 1 large carrot. 🥕
  • 2 ½ cups of water. 💧
  • 2 ½ cups of self-rising flour. 🌾
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar. 🥄🍯
  • ½ teaspoon of salt. 🧂


Lo primero es lavar, desinfectar y pelar la zanahoria. Las cortamos y las licuamos con el agua el azúcar y la sal.

The first step is to wash, disinfect, and peel the carrot. Then, chop it and blend it with the water, sugar, and salt.



Añadimos la mezcla a un recipiente amplio, añadimos la harina y vamos mezclando con un batidor hasta que esté sin grumos.

Next, pour the mixture into a large bowl, add the flour, and mix with a whisk until smooth.


Luego precalentamos un sartén y lo engrasamos con un poquito de aceite.

Preheat a frying pan and grease it lightly with oil.


Con un cucharón vertemos y esparcimos hasta que nuestro panqueque esté delgado. Esperamos a que se le formen los hoyitos, le damos la vuelta, esperamos aproximadamente 4 minutos y ya están listas para retirar de la cocina.

Use a ladle to pour the batter and spread it until the pancake is thin. Wait for bubbles to form, flip it, wait for about 4 minutes, and then it's ready to be removed from the pan.



  • 400 gramos de pumalacas. ♥️
  • 2 y ½ tazas de agua helada. 💧🧊
  • 2 cucharaditas de azúcar. 🥄🍯
  • 400 grams of pumalacas. ♥️
  • 2 ½ cups of cold water. 💧🧊
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar. 🥄🍯

Sólo hay que lavarlas y quitarles los extremos.

Simply wash and remove the ends from the pumalacas.

La cortamos un poquito y se licuan con poquito de azúcar y listo!

Chop them a bit and blend with a little sugar, and that's it!


Es momento de servir nuestros panqueques, untandoles mantequilla y colocandoles queso 😋. No olvidemos servir también nuestro jugo! Yo quise adornar con unas flores de mi jardín. 💐

Now it's time to serve our pancakes, spreading butter on them and adding some cheese 😋. Don't forget to also serve our juice! I decided to garnish with some flowers from my garden. 💐


Fucsia y Aqua turquesa.jpg

Thank you very much for your comments on previous posts, they motivate me a lot to keep improving and bringing experiments, unusual recipes or typical meals from my home. 🙏😊

Thank you so much for reading 📖, supporting me 🤜🤛 and encouraging me 🎉 in the comments

✨Las fotografías y redacciones de esta publicación son de mi autoría ©:📷Fotografías: tomadas con un Tecno Spark Go 2023 📱y editadas con la App de edición de imágenes PicsArt🎨🖌️

Traducción al inglés 🇺🇸 realizada a través de: https://translate.google.com/?hl=es*

✨The photographs and writings of this publication are to my authorship ©:

📷Photographs: taken with a Tecno Spark Go 2023 📱and edited with the PicsArt image editing App🎨🖌️
English translation 🇺🇸 made through: https://translate.google.com/?hl=es

¡Nos vemos en un siguiente post! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

See you in a next post! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)


Your breakfast creation looks absolutely delightful and healthy! It's impressive how you incorporated carrots into the pancake recipe, adding both flavor and nutritional value. The decision to keep the sugar content low due to the natural sweetness of carrots reflects a mindful approach to health. The accompanying pumalaca juice sounds refreshing, and it's fantastic that you used homegrown fruits for a personal touch. The presentation with garden flowers adds a charming and artistic flair. Your dedication to sharing unique recipes and experiments is truly appreciated!

Wow, thank you so much for your detailed and appreciative feedback on my recipe. When I saw the length of the text, I was a little alarmed, not knowing if I would receive a scolding or a warning for breaking a community rule. Thank goodness it was quite the opposite. Comments like yours motivate me and fill me with satisfaction about myself and what I do. I hope you have an excellent day, or night!! ✨💜🧡

I'm thrilled to hear that my detailed feedback brought you joy and relief. Your recipe truly deserved all the praise, and I couldn't help but express my genuine appreciation for the effort and passion you put into it. Keep up the fantastic work, and I'm looking forward to more culinary delights from you in the future. Wishing you an absolutely wonderful day or night filled with creativity and joy! ✨💜🧡


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Muchas gracias por su constante apoyo 🧡💜✨

@sirenahippie says - Esta es una combinación muy creativa!

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Muchas gracias!! Le puse mucho esfuerzo y amor 🧡💜✨

@oddajosefi you're most welcome

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