Sweet potato veggie dish

Need a good dose of veggies? Try this.

Sweet potato oven dish vegan

This is a very tasty, very healthy and very plant-based oven dish. Don't skip the roasted pecans, they are delicious.

Anyways, no inspiration to talk, I just need to put this recipe here!

P.S.: Even reluctant, part-time vegan, mister hubby loved this one.

Sweet potato oven dish vegan


  • 1kg Sweet potatoes
  • About 800g mix of your favorite veggies (I used onion, broccoli, carrot, leek)
  • 1 Tbsp italian spices
  • 100g Roasted pecans (you can roast them yourself)
  • A bit of plant-based milk
  • 1 Tsp smoked paprika powder


  1. If your sweet potatoes aren't organic, peel them first. Cut the sweet potatoes in smaller pieces and bring them to boil in plenty of water. Boil them on low until soft.
  2. Cut up your veggies and make sure the solid ones like broccoli and carrot are smaller so they warm up enough. Heat them all up in a wok and add the spices and smoked paprika powder.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180-200C (you know your oven best).
  4. Once the sweet potatoes are soft, drain them, add a bit of plant-based milk and mash them.
  5. In an oven dish, first add a small layer of mashed sweet potatoes, top that with your veggies and top those with the rest of your sweet potato mash.
  6. Put into the oven for about 20 minutes.
  7. Serve with the roasted pecans.


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I am not a vegan, but this indeed looks tasty.

P.S.: Even reluctant, part-time vegan, mister hubby loved this one.

I have not tried this so far, but probably I would also love it. I eat various foods, not just/only meat.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Happy to hear! We both really liked it.

I eat various foods, not just/only meat.

Most people do, yet many somehow still think they 'hate vegan food', as if they've never had fruit, veggies, grains, nuts, seeds, etc. etc. 😂

Have a good day and thank you so much for stopping by!

Hello @playfulfoodie, Hahah... And the table is set. Time to munch down on those. Of course, I'm not a vegan. This isn't the type of food we see in my part of the world, but I'm ready to be adventurous.

Talking about adventurous moves, I don't know any other way to contact you so, I will leave my message here and hope for a feedback.

Do you realise that you have some combined 8,623 'dormant' Blurt Power over here?

Instead of having it dormant, please delegate those Blurt power to onchain-curator over there. It's a manual Curation Account personally projected by me to support deserving content creators over there.

I would be glad to have a Convo with you and tell you more about how I intend to run the project. Everything starts on Monday, officially regardless of the stakes I manage to get between now and then.

I hope to hear from you

Hi! Oh my, another place to keep an eye on huh. I've delegated to you for now, just because I don't have the time/energy to really look into Blurt or do my own curation there. If I remember, I'll check in later to see how you're curating. Thanks for the message!

Hahah... It's really another place to look into whenever time permits.

Thanks for trusting me with the delegation. I will surely put it to good use.

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