Two Things You Never Knew About The Food We Eat

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year (edited)



From our elementary knowledge back in school those years, we all know that, ‘food is what we eat to make us grow.’ Yes! Food makes grow, building up and repairing our body make us healthy.

Right from when we were an embryo, we started feeding and has not stopped until this day. Food is an inexcusable part of life which must be served and eaten in order that we do not fail to exist.

One thing is to eat, the other is to Enjoy what we eat.



Two Secret Of Enjoying Food

Using the ‘power of imagination,’ imagine that someone prepares your Favourite food with the right I gradients in the way you love it and nothing is missing. Would you hurriedly eat it without taking time to really enjoy it? No doubt, you would love to digest the food carefully analyzing the thirst in every bite and appreciate the person who prepared it with joy and gladness in your heart.

Eating this way:

  • We are what we Eat: This expression shows the connection that what we eat affect our well-being. Therefore, what we eat has effect on our whole body, metabolism, energy level, etc and even our emotions (i.e our reaction, happiness, joy, etc).

When you eat what you want but not happily, could you say you are enjoying it? Likely not. Enjoying our food means we take time to savour whatever it is we have on table and taking each bite happily.

This affects the facial expressions as well

  • Thorough Satisfaction: We feel happy and refreshed when we eat out food on a relaxed state and moderate pace, allowing the enjoyment to flow freely.
    We are satisfied that we have digested the food and also contented in our hearts that what we ate as we desire.



When we eat, it engages our senses and bring us pleasure. Our taste buds permits us to experience the different range of flavours, thirst and texture of our foods. Isn't that Wonderful?

It's important to savor the moment and appreciate the food you are enjoying. To achieve these two secrets, Take your time to chew slowly, allowing the flavors to unfold on your palate. Pay attention to the aromas, colors, and presentation of the dishes, as they all contribute to the overall experience.



So when next your eating, slow down and savour, engage your senses, focus on your food avoiding distractions. Expand your palate and learn about your food. Share with others and do not forget to be grateful. Find the joy in your food enjoyment endeavors.

Image Credit: unsplash
Author: @preciouz-01

I love food! #foodie
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