Bitter Gourd Hunting

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

That day I followed my wife and mother-in-law picking some little bitter gourds and cassava leaves in the farm. I took few photos of the plantation around that 40 sqm land. We did not walk around the whole area, just to a section where bitter gourd plants growing on the ground, and the cassava plants.

bitter gourd 02.jpg The bitter gourd plants. It's not easy to pick up for the fruit. They are well-hidden, we had to search for them.
bitter gourd 03.jpg Cassava plants.

bitter gourd 07.jpg Ducking to find the bitter gourds.

The bitter gourds are quite small so they were hard to find. The leaves hide them quite well, and the fact that their color is green making them hard to spot.

bitter gourd 04.jpg Gotcha! I found one.

When the fruit are ripe, they are much easier to find because their color have changed to yellow. However, we don't consume the ripe ones, only the young bitter gourd. We still picked the ripe ones to get their seeds we might plant them later.

bitter gourd 08.jpg The ripe bitter gourd.

bitter gourd 09.jpg let's get a closer look.

After searching for half an hour or so, we finally managed to get some bitter gourds. We did not think we could find more of the bitter gourd, even we tore the farm apart. So, we were just happy with what we got, plus we also had some cassava leaves for our dinner that evening.

bitter gourd 05.jpg

bitter gourd 06.jpg

My wife and mother-in-law, later, went to the kitchen to prepare the bitter gourd and cassava leaves. It's nothing fancy, they just steamed the vegetables and prepared coconut "sambal" to serve the bitter gourd/cassava leaves. The steamed rice, sambal, and steamed vegetables were a great combination for our dinner that evening.

bitter gourd 13.jpg

bitter gourd 14.jpg

bitter gourd 11.jpg

On side note, we put away some of the seeds from the bitter gourds to plant. More plants means leas time for hunting bitter gourds, because there will be many of them growing.

bitter gourd 12.jpg The plan is to plant these seeds.



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ngidih dik bli. . hahha

bedik gati, be telah 😅

Your bitter gourds are so cute! What we have in the Philippines is the longer variant.
I've never had coconut sambal before. What does it taste like?

Well, I am very sure you have this kind of bitter gourd in the Philippines, you just happen not to find it yet. The taste of sambal is spicy, with coconut sensation. It's spicy and a little bit sweet.

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Thank you so much for the warning. 🙏

You're welcome @putu300, stay careful!

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