Delicious Gluten-Free Banana Cake

Friday, 2022-12-30


It's been a few months since we found the leading cause of my wife's discomfort, especially after meals. She felt bloated, nauseous, and gassy. We consulted with a doctor, did a little research on the Internet, and found that people can lose their ability to tolerate gluten as they age. We learned the best way to treat gluten intolerance is by changing one's diet. As soon as she changed her diet, the bloatedness feeling after meals disappeared.

Just a few days ago, she wanted to bake banana bread, but this time without flour, gluten-free. At first, I was skeptical and told her not to bake too much as I might not like it, and she would have to eat it all herself. I had tried gluten-free bread before and did not like it. It was a pleasant surprise when I tasted the gluten-free banana cake. It turned out to be delicious though the texture was somewhat peculiar. So, I thought I would share the recipe with you all, but please note she did not use any measuring scale or cups with the ingredients. It's all done by feeling.


The main ingredients are bananas, milk, butter, eggs, sugar, baking powder, and salt. The rest is up to your imagination and creativity. Since we did not use any flour, we substituted it with Muesli (rolled oats) and added raisins, nuts, and seeds.


  1. Salted butter (melted)
  2. Milk
  3. Muesli (6 handfuls)
  4. 2 Ripe Bananas
  5. Baking Powder (1 teaspoon)
  6. Salt (1 teaspoon)
  7. Raisins (1 handful)
  8. Sliced Almonds (1 handful)
  9. Sunflower Seeds (1 handful)
  10. Chopped Cashew Nuts (1 handful)
  11. 2 Eggs



  1. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix well
  2. Add (if needed) more Muesli so you have a good mix consistency
  3. Place and spread mixed ingredients in a pan (we added some blueberries on top)
  4. Sprinkle some cinnamon powder on top


Ready to go into the oven


Preheat oven to 250ºC, and bake for about 40 minutes.


40 minutes later...



Ready to be served.


Gluten-free banana cake... Delicious!

She didn't use any sugar in the mix, yet it tasted sweet already. The sweet taste and smell came from the ripe bananas. That was a delicious gluten-free banana cake to accompany my cup of coffee on a rainy afternoon. Guess what, I had it again for my breakfast the next morning. Stay healthy.

Happy New Year 2023

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                                A baby boomer who's trying to embrace and adapt to the new digital world. Worked for over 30 years in the IT industry before retiring and now run an online vegetable delivery and hydroponics equipment business. Enjoy traveling, cooking, writing, playing pool, and all IT-related stuff. You're always welcome to leave a comment or feedback, and an upvote or reblog is also greatly appreciated.

!discovery 40

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Looking delicious ...... yum

It's surprisingly delicious.😊 Thanks for stopping by.

she did not use any measuring scale or cups with the ingredients. It's all done by feeling.

I am amazed! Heheh... I am glad to know your wife felt better now and can finally enjoy good glutem free.

Yup. It's like driving without using Google map.🤣

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