A simple Tea Cake.

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago


Homemade food is the best for a family time pass or during a lazy afternoon. Preparing some tea cake in advance can save us a lot of hassle. They are pretty easy to make, both adults and kids can enjoy them as a good snack, right?

Last weekend, I made a simple tea cake. Let me share the recipe and some delicious photos with you.


My oven is out of service so I made it in a gas oven/burner. Turns out pretty good actually, you can't tell the difference.

Let's see what we need to make this cake.

  • Two eggs
  • 1.5 cups of flour
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1/2 Butter
  • Vanilla essence
  • Baking soda

I followed a shortcut like I added the sugar without icing it, and also, added the whole egg without separating the yolk as I was in a hurry. But as you can see the cake, was not bad at all. Maybe a little less fluffy but that's okay, right? The taste matters most.


Here's the butter and sugar after mixing.


I added the eggs and the flours gradually, some vanilla essence, and some soda accordingly. Then placed it in a baking pan. I used another pan as an oven/to spread the heat evenly and covered it with a lid.

The cake usually takes 20-30 minutes to cook, check in between if it's cooked properly.


This is my cake after around 25 minutes, the sides are looking nicely brown. Now time to cut and serve.



Look, how fluffy and soft it came out.

You can increase the ingredients accordingly to make a big cake. It came out so good I was regretting why I didn't add a little more. Also, sometimes I use lemon or orange extract to bring some extra punch to the cake. It becomes so flavourful and delicious.

We enjoy this with tea and usually give lemonade or any juice to my son to have this cake. Simple yet delicious!

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The process of making it is simple very easy to remember, looks very real so delicious, can be described as soft.

It really was soft and delicious. Thanks :)

Youre welcome

That's a nice little recipe. Sometimes I want something sweet like cake, but don't want to take the time to make a whole big one. This would certainly be a good alternative. I like the idea of adding lemon or orange too... or even almond flavoring.

I can relate. Use shortcut techniques during your lazy days :)

This recipe looks wonderful and yet simple! Like it :)

Thanks a lot :)

That looks delicious and very simple to prepare thanks for sharing 👍🏾 @tipu curate

Thanks :)


The recipe and procedures is easy. It's like a custard cake.

Yes, it is. You can try too. :)

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