This is how I prepare Spicy Cucumber Salad.

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago


Looking for something spicy and simple on your dinner table as a side? This salad can be a perfect fit for that.

It's super simple but tastes good. This one salad is enough to boost the taste of the main meal, I can assure you.

I wouldn't say, it's Korean style. Because I skipped one or two ingredients. It's something like a comfort invention of mine. So don't hesitate to add or skip some if you feel like going with your own taste buds.

Let's see how did I prepare it.


Cut the cucumber with skin in the way you like. Add a pinch of salt, mix and rest it for five minutes.


After a few minutes, the cucumber will be watery. Give it a wash or strain the salty water and it's ready for the next step.


I have added red chili flecks, sesame seeds, onion slices, half a teaspoon of light soya sauce, half a teaspoon of fish sauce, and a pinch of salt.

Mix them well and it's done.



I don't have GOCHUGARU aka Korean Red Chili Pepper Powder otherwise, I would call it Cucumber Kimchi. But it's almost similar.

It doesn't contain much heat but the taste was so fresh. It made my meal delicious.

It's so easy to prepare. Try it, you will love it.

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Whoa that looks tasty and fresh! thanks for sharing this recipe 😃

I'm salivating right now. Gosh.. that looks so tasty.

Of course it has a very good taste for us to feel.

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