Preparing Snacks for My Mama and my Oldies is not that Hard, but Thinking About What to Make Is! My Self-Made Snacks with Ready-Made Ingredients for the Fam!

Making a snack for the family is easy as long as you already have all the ingredients you need in the pantry. But it becomes harder once you have to start on the first step, which is thinking of what snack to make. Eating the same thing can be tiring too, and this is also the reason why we don't buy many ingredients and will only buy what's needed. If there is some leftover, we can just put it in the refrigerator and use it for another recipe or something else.

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Now, we don't have much leftover, so we had to think over and over about what snack to buy or make. We sometimes just buy in some shops, but most of the time, or as much as possible, we want to make it from scratch because, with that, we can save more, unlike if we buy outside. It is laborious, but that's okay, as long as we can save, lol. Is it just me? Lol. For example, if we want to buy a burger, I'd rather just buy those CDO burger patties or the ready made one that I can just easily fry. With this, I can make more burgers than buy the cooked ones.

At least we can have the rest the next day or the next merienda if we have leftovers. Although the ingredients for my self-made burger are lacking, it is still so much better because we can prepare it however we want. We can also avoid those ingredients that we don't want in our merienda.

You might be wondering why we're giving so much thought and attention to snacks. Well, we love food, especially me and my mommy F. It is just me and mommy F who always initiate buying foods as snacks. We are the kind of people who will do something to satisfy our cravings, when we want something, we buy or get it. But, of course, with limits too. We can't just do this all the time, though. And I think, being like this, I get it from my mommy, lol. It always makes me feel good whenever I can provide food for my family. Seeing them enjoy it is like a reward.

But anyway, let me share the snacks we had that I prepared at home. They don't really cost that much, they are affordable, easy to make, and, more importantly, they are yum yum and very fulfilling too!

Cheesy Burger with Ready-Made Patties from Somewhere Down the Road

When I bought this, I had to second thought whether to get it or just buy a yummy burger at Happy Scoop with their Beef and Cheesy Burger with lots of veggies. But then, if I buy it, I will need 400 PHP, or $7.14, for four burgers. That would be too much even for me, and it is just for a merienda for the afternoon. I could already buy two sets of dishes for that price. Oh my, my calculative mind, lol. Can't really help it, huhu.

And so in the end, I just decided to buy one pack of buns in the market, it has six big buns in it, and it cost me 25 PHP, or $0.45. Then I also bought patties in a tub, which cost me 65 PHP, or $1.16. It is the mini patties with 9 patties inside, not bad, that's what I thought. Then, to make it special, I also buy EDEN cheese, which is my favorite brand of cheese, for only 55 PHP, or $0.98.

So overall, I spent 145 PHP on it, or $2.55. Imagine for only that amount, I was able to feed four people, and I still have more of the ingredients left. We were able to eat it in the morning for breakfast. As for the burger, it is a bit dry because I didn't put ketchup or mayo in it, but it still tastes good and makes us full too. I can say that it's a good merienda for us. And Mom told me they liked it, so I would surely try to make it again soon.

Cheesy Egg Burger and Plain Bun with Scrambled Egguu. Namit!

So for this one, I am really just craving some eggs, while my oldies want to eat something and are already hungry. I then decided to just make an egg sandwich. Just plain and without anything in it. But then I saw the cheese, and so I decided to also get it. So for all of this, the bun is 25 PHP, the egg is 40 PHP (8 PHP each), and the cheese is 55 PHP. I only spent 120 PHP ($2.14) for this, and we still have some leftover.

And so for this, preparing it is really easy, you just have to fry and heat all the ingredients. We love toasty bread for our burger and the patty, so I cook it just like that. I am also preparing an egg sandwich for four people. But because the pan is too small, I have to cook it in two parts. And once all the ingredients were cooked, I also put some ketchup on it, it's a leftover too, by the way.

And here's our yummy, cheesy egg sandwich. This is just the right size to satisfy our cravings and hunger. Yum yum └|∵|┐♪! I hope y'all feel hungry just by looking at it, haha. Because uploading and editing this is making me crave some right now ಥ‿ಥ.

Plain Bun with Plain Scrambled Egg

And here's another version, plain bun with scrambled eggs but very tasty thanks to the MSG, LOL! We had this as a snack too, and because of cravings too. Just so you know, we had them at different times and days. It's not like we eat eggs every day, no. Another Yum Yum recipe—easy and yummy! UwU!

Sweet Banana Fritter Coated with Glutinous Rice Flour, Crispy Version or the Sticky Version! You choose!

Here's another favorite merienda, or snack of the family. It's banana fritters, but instead of the traditional batter made with flour, this one is made with glutinous rice flour. And instead of cutting the banana into bite-sized pieces, we made ours like this with a longer version. We don't like to use an overripe banana when making this.

We still prefer the hard banana, not the soft one. It is more enjoyable like this. For the cost, it is really cheap, y'all. That banana is just free because Aunt Velyn has a lot of trees of this banana, so it's free!. The glutinous powder is also not that expensive. We also have other ingredients at home, such as cooking oil and sugar.

And here's the finished product, but you know what's best when using glutinous powder instead of flour? It is its crunchiness that fits well with the banana. The taste really is good. And here's another best part, once the banana fritter cools down and the crunchiness is gone, the stickiness of the batter coated in it is heaven. It's worth a try, and I recommend it to y'all. Try it if you want, you'll never regret it.

Sweet Potato Fries Sprinkled with Salt and Sugar: Crispy Outside, Soft Inside! Yum.

Sugary snacks with a combination of saltiness in them, this one is really the best too. The preparation is kind of hard because peeling the sweet potato is not easy compared to a banana. Cutting them too is not that easy, and may I add that our knife is not that sharp, which added to the hardship of it? But for the love of food, that cannot stop me from making this. And we only need sugar, cooking oil, and salt in it. With just a few ingredients, in just a minute we will have these sugary snacks.

And tadaaaaaaan! Look how beautiful that is. Crystal brown, it is fried to perfection. And the taste? It's heaven! I'll surely make this again soon. Sweet potato fries are sweet, unlike the typical ones, which can have a different flavor. While with this, we can only have one, or maybe we can also try different versions of it. We can explore, right? How about you try it and explore it too? Ehe.

Making all these is really fun, aside from I get to eat yummy foods, I get to eat it with my love ones. And that's whats make it extra special! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)



oh it's so expensive but I like it!
and fried unusual for us;))
we eat them only fresh, even can't imagine how to fry them;)

Ohhh, I bought that here for $1 per kilo. How about in your place?

It's different kind of Banana, you can even eat this fried or boiled only.

your sweet potato made me thinking about making air-fryer sweet potato fries with brown sugar :)

Ahhhh, using air fryer will make it more healthier, with no oil in it (✯ᴗ✯)

the food looks really good!

Thanks, hehe, they all taste good.

This looks nice
I'm salivating already

Haha, you should try one of those now.

The sweet potato fries looks yummy (⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)!

Try it now as a merienda ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

I'm starving can i have some hahahah

Hahaha, catch! I'll throw some there, make sure to not drop it 🤪😂

Wow!! It looks so yummy, I'll to cook that yummy food when I go home.

Haha, which one?

Hinay hinay sa sugar madam, Yung camote cue hehe.. not good for your mothers...
Naalala ko yang egg bun, ganyan baon namin sa school noong elem hehe

Hehe yes madam, madalang din naman kami sa ganito. Mostly nilaga talaga ginagawa namin dyan sa mga yan ee. Kasarap mandin tapos mainit init pa kakainin, aguy na haha. The best egg bun huhu

ang daming snack naman neto nakaka gutom! hahah i do make burgers from time to time too similar to this , minus the cheese though

kamote cue with sugar is indeed heaven to taste 😍

Baka naman may marecommend ka na patty dyan but affordable sana hahaha.sarap with cheese kaso mapapamahal pero keri na din hahaha. Masaya naman ang lahat uwu

Dibaaa? Wag lang palagi, haha pero grabi talaga. Bigla tuloy nag crave ako haha

I make my own patty ruffatot, Ground beef, bread crumbs, salt, pepper, egg, magic sarap, onion, carrots mixed then form a patty of it, prito then put melted cheese yong square, ganon lang akin ruffa hahahah

ahahah true minus din sa sugary baka ma diabetes eh

Ganon lang, parang mas mapapamahal ako, wag nalang pala HAHAHA. Pero sure ako na masarap yan, homemade baga naman. Sana matry ko yan someday haha. Pag di tinamad at kapag pasok sa budget uwu

truee mahal nga, pero madami kana magawa pang 1 week consumo din hahaha unless lutoin every meal

pero mas mura parin tong process nato yong sayo hehueuheueuhueu

Ay sure ako di aabot ng 1 week yan samin HAHAHA

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank You (✯ᴗ✯)

I didn't know you were a great cook ;)