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RE: Homemade Rhubarb Jam (Rhubarb Butter)

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

Brindle and white, and I have pics on my blog in a collage. But here's one from said collage for you XP

She's a little bit bigger now because they grow ridiculously fast.

3 months from...birth? 3 months from having them? XD

This one is ~3.5mo now and is reasonably well trained (we give some leeway because she's a baby XD).


omgoodnees! look at that face!!!! sooo adorable, almost looking sad, but i noticed all puppies have similar look.

wanna cuddle her!

Yeh a friend told me "her sad puppy eyes are killing me" XD they probably look like that so that you cave in and give them that treat they're not supposed to have XD

She is super cuddly!