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RE: Culinary Experiment: Crock Pot Pork Shoulder

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago (edited)

Oooh, you just gave me a golden opportunity for my crockpot rant! My husband and I received a crockpot for a wedding present in 1983 and it lasted about 30 years. When I bought a replacement, I got frustrated because it cooked at such a high temperature, even on low. I replaced it with a different brand, but had the same issue. I finally purchased one from the same company that made the one we were given in 1983. Same problem: you can't cook anything on low for 10 hours like the recipes say to do, because it gets done in 4 hours.
Furthermore, the bottom of the crockpot is already pockmarked even though I never use metal utensils in it, and the letters for low, medium, and high began to come off the first time I wiped the outside with a damp cloth. THEY DON'T MAKE THINGS LIKE THEY USED TO!!!


Quite. I may need to scrounge through thrift stores for relic appliances at least as old as I am.

I agree!