"Because of you Sir, I was who was a collection of beams on the floor of a warehouse, I am now being carried on your shoulder, where the Holy Spirit dove came and rested. The place where you rest your government is where I am resting. I am not only being carried, I am also sucking your own precious blood, making me alive again. Everything in me that had died is literally becoming alive again."

Then all of a sudden I began to hear Him breathe heavily, gasping for air. I said to Him, "What's that, are you alright?" You see we trees don't have a heart. His was pumping very fast and He was breathing very heavily. "My waist, "He said. "You are so heavily but I will carry you until you reach your destiny. I will not leave you here.

At this time His heart was pumping real fast. I began to notice that His voice had weakened to a whisper. I immediately stopped sucking His blood for He had lost too much of it. He was getting tired along the way.

Then I heard all the humans throw insults at this man. Then I remembered when I used to be in the forest they could come and say; "it will make good wood and fetch good money. So cut down. "The same way they uttered their words then, was the same way they spoke about this good man, "crucify Him, "they kept saying.

As we approached the hill still a far off, I heard them say; "Aah aha, you will die today then resurrect yourself." I realized this was not a game. He had been forced to carry me so that He could be killed on me.

My carrier, the one who had pulled me out of the warehouse began to faint. I could hear Him losing His life. He was getting weaker and weaker because not only did He lost a lot of blood from His back, but I had sucked much of it and I had no way of giving it back. I needed it.

My best friend ever was dying. He had become so tired because of my weight. Then before He could drop me, we stopped and there was a stranger who was going on his way. In fact he was not the same color like my friend. We trees have the same color generally. However, humans are of different colors; some are white, some are dark, others are brown and the list goes on.

The stranger was dark skinned. The men in red with whips ordered him to pick me up from my best friend's shoulders and carry me. I could tell this man was forced to carry me. The way he picked me up was very rough. His hands were typically human hands. He carried me to give my best friend rest and energy to reach our destination. But he was as much human as the others.

But this other man had nothing to offer me. I was thirsty and needed more, but he could offer me nothing, except to take me where they had already dug hole to place me. It was the place where I was going to stand baring this man who loved me so much by getting me out of the warehouse where I had died and dried up. He was giving me another chance to stand again.

So when we arrived at that place, I even still remember it. For they said it over and over again, "Calvary hill. "My friend picked me from the man's shoulder whose garment I had stained with the blood I had sucked from my best friend's shoulders and back.

Then they lay me down on the rocks and they brought my friend who had picked me up and given me some drops of blood, making Him the center of attraction. People from every nation and tribe had gathered together to watch my performance.

#Finally I had purpose in life. I was going to be used again. I thought my time was over, I thought I was going to end up like toilet rolls, but now I had been joined and formulated into what they call the cross and I was about to have purpose in life again. I was now to carry Him who had been carried up to the stage.

He lay on top of me and I could hear them stretch His arms and legs. I could hear Him gasps for life. I too began to feel the pain of the wounds on His back. As He was pressed on me, He began to sigh painfully. I was the first one to feel the pain of the nail that had joined me together to give me purpose again.

Humans say No pain no gain. I had gained purpose again. The new name I had gain was the cross of the Son of God. They then laid His arm and palm on the other side then I heard them say, "Crucify. "I did not know what crucifixion was all about, but then I heard Him scream in pain. A nail had entered His flesh and I could feel it's velocity and power approaching me. If I had a mouth I could have shouted out; "stop!" but the humans didn't stop. They kept on nailing until it passed through penetrating my now dry skin.
