Kerala traditional puttu and kadala curry for food lovers

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago (edited)

Delicious kerala food.gif

hi #hive and my dear friend let me introduce my one of tradition food item that used as breakfast*** puttu and kadala curyy ***the word puttu
Puttu means "portioned" in Malayalam. It is made of steamed cylinders of ground rice layered with coconut shavings, sometimes with a savory filling on the inside. Puttu is served hot with side dishes such as palm sugar or banana, or with curries such as mutton, fish or chicken.the invension of puttu was done in the book titled Thirupugazhu, written in the 15th century, by the renowned Tamil poet Arunagirinathan. Many historians have observed that the Malayalam language had developed in the 8th century. Puttu or steamed rice cake is a typical Kerala dish, often served across south India and Sri Lanka

it is successfully completed its 3 generation runner up past these days because of its delicious and tradition

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bamboo cylinder tube (puttu kutti)used in past years

latest modern mould used for making puttu

use of puttu kutti(cylinder tube)

place puttu kutty (cylindrical tube). allow to steam for 5 minutes or till the steam escapes from top holes of puttu kutty (cylindrical tube). remove the puttu kutty from the pot and rest for 2 minutes. carefully open it and push the puttu using a wooden ladle from the back.Steam puttu on medium flame till you see steam releasing from the top vent of the cylindrical vessel. Then switch off the flame. I have used a puttu maker. If using a medium sized puttu maker or regular puttu maker, the time will be about 5 to 6 minute this is how we can used a cylinder tube to make puttu

### How to make puttu

Take 1 cup puttu flour in a mixing bowl or a pan that flour is available in market i commonly used the easter pour for making puttu Add ⅓ teaspoon salt or as the mixed puttu flour u can use enough salt u want some more its up to u

puttu flour mixed with salt

sprinkle ⅓ cup water all over. The amount of water required will depend on the quality of rice flour. So you can add accordingly.mixed well if mix are perfect the colour of puttu flore is slightly changed by using of water to it

mixing with water and salt using fingers

To get soft puttu, the amount of rice flour to water ratio is important. To check this gently press a small portion of the flour between your palms. It should form a lump. When you press this flour lump more, then it breaks and crumbles. This should be the texture of the flour.and u can understand u get perfect mixed
flore puttu

flour lump using your hand

You can even grind this rice flour mixture in a grinder to break lumps. But grind in small batches and use the pulse option of put upto pour 2 to 3 cups water in the base vessel of the puttu kudam.(cylinder tube)

cylinder tube used to steam the puttu

Instruction in puttu cylinder tube

first you must place the perforated disc inside the cylindrical vessel. Then add 3 tablespoons fresh coconut in the cylindrical vessel of the puttu kudam and spread evenly.put the flame in medium level to get linear heat then add some of grated coconut and spread get more specific colour and smell. Cover the top portion with 2 to 3 tablespoons of grated coconut and spread evenly. Cover the top with the lid.

cylindrical portion on top of the base vessel in which the water must have come to a boil.

flame is in medium level and take 3 to 4 min to start boiled and Then switch off the flame. It took me about 9 minutes as I have used a puttu maker. If using a medium sized puttu maker or regular puttu maker, the time will be about 5 to 6 minutes.
Warm and delicious puttu is served

side dish used fot puttu is kadala curry

thank u for giving an opportunity to share my tradition food u may have try these in your home and its is very esy to make and serve in hot and delicious..................

#dont waste your food


#hope all are safe thank u


I found one of the images from your posts here. This is from a Pinterest post, so do remember to cite the sources of any images not your own within your post. It is technically considered plagiarism.

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Ohoo I don't know about it bro I sry for that