Ginger & Green Onion CRABS

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago (edited)

The best tasting dungeness crab I have had was at Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco and Pike Market in Seattle. Unfortunately, I am quite far from the Pacific Coast.

Luckily, pre-cooked crabs are available at Costco! And when I have no time to spare, I eat the crabs as is.

Today I will show you a way to cook crabs, another way.


Segment of Garlic, sliced thin 1 bunch Green Onions, sliced
2 Tablespoons Cooking Wine 1 Bullion Cube
2 teaspoons Cornstarch

dissolved in 2 teasoon water

Salt to taste Pepper

Prepare the crabs:

Separate the back from the crab. Remove all unedible portions of the crab. Separate the legs from the body. Cut the body into 2 parts, or 4 parts.

Let's get cooking!

Saute the ginger and the white portions of the onions for a minute. And add the green onions.

Add the cooking wine and allow to boil off the wine, about 2 minutes. Then add two cups of broth (or 2 cups water +1 bullion cube). Bring to a boil.

Add the crabs, and cover. Cook for 10 minutes.

Season with salt (if necessary) and pepper, and cook for 3 minutes more. Then thicken with cornstarch slurry until the desired consistency of the sauce is reached.

Cook another 5 minutes or until the sauce thickens, then it done! Crab in all its deliciousness!

Crabs with Ginger and Green Onions.

Serve Carbs with Ginger & Green Onions may be served with Sourdough. Go ahead and dip the bread onto the sauce. It can be nothing but yummy delicious! Or you can serve it with steaming white rice!

Do you like crabs? How do you want it prepared?

This is my entry for the Hive Creative Contest: Everyday Cooking Something Orange by @zord189

All photos, gif, and videos were take by me using my iPhone6

😍 #ilikeitalot!😍

Make it an awesome day!

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Looks Tasty when you use an Asian style of cooking.
My kids and I rarely enjoy crab due to it's high price but a few times a year we do indulge at a local Chinese Restaurant stir fried in a butter sauce. No doubt my kids enjoy it but really labor at it getting to the delicious meat. An exercise in dining patience.

Always, with love and good taste 🤗🌺❤️🦀

I only make simple dishes, but it truly is tasty!
Your kids are lucky, you care to bring them to the arcade, to the park, and Chinese food... and much much more!!!

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Sounds tasty @silversaver! I like crabs just dipped in butter! Yummy!😋

There are several very simple recipes for crab! Do you like Cioppino?
That is a similar dish!

I've never heard of it. What is it?

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My.... @silversaver888, your dishes get better and better my friend!!😀 Pikes Market you were close to @dfinney and that @elizabethbit person....😇
Have a very good Sunday my friend!😍😍😀

Would you believe I can finish one crab!
The last time I was at the Pine was some 3 1/2 years ago!
Have a good Sunday!

You as well my friend...I always look forward to your post....and comments!!😍😍😀

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This looks absolutely delicious. yum yum! 😋😊

It looks good as it tastes!!
And such a simple dish to prepare!

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🙏 Thank you!

I've eaten crab and loved it, but never cooked it, your dish looks and sounds amazing!

Hi @lizelle!
This is a Chinese inspired recipe.
I've been to Singapore, and have prepared their two dishes using crabs which are equally fantastic:
Singaporean Chili Carbs and Pepper Crabs.
When I find the curry leaves, I will post one recipe.
I really hope you liked the recipe and try it one of these days.

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OMG! I haven't had crab in ages! I hope my contest encouraged you to cook more. Hehe

Yes, indeed!! I am thinking ORANGE, hahaha!
Thank you for your contest! I am checking out the other entries, and it is interesting!

Yeaps, there are pretty nice entries this week. If everything goes well, I will continue this food contest with different themes weekly. :)

Please do continue these contests!!! They are is much fun, and give us a theme to work on!

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Pike Place Market!!! A fave haunt of mine. 😍

@silvertop reminded me that you live close! I was there 3 1/2 years ago, unfortunately, we don't each other yet!!

The last time I was close to your part of Cali was also about 3.5 years ago! 2 ships, passing in the night. 😄

Hehehe, pretty much the same timelines!

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This looks tasty, my kids love crabs. But what can I use to substitute for the cooking wine.thanks.

You can substitute it with any white wine.
Try it! It does not make any difference.
Be sure to let me know how it turns out!
Have a pleasant day, @blessings5566

I will thanks

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hello dear friend @ silversaver888 good afternoon
You are amazing in the kitchen, you always do incredible things, this dish looks very delicious, I appreciate that you let us know the whole process, that you enjoy it a lot.

I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night and happy dreams.

Hello, @jlufer!'
I am glad you liked the dish.
I enjoy cooking and sharing my recipes.
Have a good evening!

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 43 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Thanks @hivebuzz!

You're welcome @silversaver888, nice motivation as always 😉👍

I love the badges! 🥰🌺🤙 !ENGAGE

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Looks delicious. It reminds me of the crab I use to eat out at family gatherings before the lockdowns.

That is fantastic, @jfang003!
You can have this dish anytime.
The lockdowns put a damper on a lot of things, family gathering for one.
How are you doing, otherwise?

I am doing good. I do wish the lockdowns were over, but we can't change that.

I can't imagine that the whole world is affected by it!
Well, we have to continue living life the best way we can.

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