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RE: Let's enjoy delicious steamed brownies

in Foodies Bee Hive4 months ago

This is a good recipe @aera8, and the presentation is cool. Chocolate is always delicious, and the more chocolate, the better.

Greetings and happy week!

@sagarkothari88 vote 15%


Hey @aera8! sagarkothari88 upvoted based on request from @sirenahippie
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Actually, there are many animal menus that I haven't developed yet, but I'm too focused on vegans

In the future, we use all recipes so that they can be useful for others

Healthy greetings always dear mother @sirenahippie 😍

Of course, it's good that you develop all the recipes that you want to share, because you always make good content, no matter if it is vegan or not. Greetings @aera8

Thank you very much for the support of @sirenahippie dear mother, of course I will benefit from the opportunity that exists