Delicious fried rice with fresh vegetables and beef

Happy Thursday friends, hope we're all well n healthy.
Sometimes I do have the urge to eat some delicacies that take a lot of time to prepare but highly nutritional and tastes really awesome, today was one of those days.
Had the urge to eat fried rice but had to garnish it with very nourishing vegetables.


My ingredients are;
Cabbage, Carrots, Green beans, Cucumber, Onions, Pepper, Tumeric powder, Margarine, Salad cream, Seasoning cubes, Salt, Rice, Beef, groundnut oil and others....


1: Wash the vegetables thoroughly and chop them to desirable sizes, Parboil the rice.
2: Season and cook the beef or any other meat you want to use, strain the meat from the sauce and keep the sauce for making the rice.
3: put a saucepan pan on fire, allow it to dry of every moisture then pour the groundnut oil, Allow it for some minutes and add the part of the carrots and green beans divided for making the rice. Stir fry for some minutes then take them out to strain the oil, fry the beef.
4: Put a pot on fire, allow it to dry n add the Margarine. After it melts, add onion, tumeric powder, curry, thyme, salt and other seasoning, after some time, add the water from the meat sauce, add water to a desired level, add other seasoning n spices to your taste then pour the rice. Taste and add more seasoning if needed. Allow the rice to cook.
5: when the water is dried up, add the vegetables you fried n stir, your rice is ready.
6: add warm water n salt to the chopped cabbage, Allow it for some minutes then strain it out, mix the cucumber, carrot and kidney beans if available, add the salad cream mixed with milk.


You're meal is ready💃💃💃
It's really delicious, I hope you try it!!!!!
Thanks for reading all the way
Enjoy your day and have fun.

Photo taken without techno k7


😋 I'm salivating at the look of the meal. You have done a great job. I wish I can eat it now, but trust me, I'll learn from your steps to make mine.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks. Contact me if you need help during the preparation.