Canning Day & Pantry Tour - by Sunscape

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago


I had a busy day in the kitchen canning vegetable broth and black beans. I save all my scraps from vegetables in the freezer until I have enough to make a batch of broth. Then I use my pressure canner to preserve it for future recipes.


I have the scraps of onion, celery, garlic, carrots, broccoli, and corn cob in a large stock pot. I fill it with water and let it simmer for about 6 hours.


It takes a long time to release all that goodness from the veggies. Meanwhile, the kitchen smells wonderful while I prepare the black beans and onion broth at the same time.
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I rinsed the dry beans and soaked them in water overnight. They plumped up nicely and I drained and rinsed them well. In a large stock pot, I added one large onion chopped, the rinsed beans, and covered them with 6 cups of water. After coming to a boil I lowered the heat to a simmer and cooked them for 40 minutes.

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I jarred the beans with the onion broth and processed them for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Now I have black beans to add to the pantry instead of purchasing them in cans from the grocery.


These are the vegetable scraps from the stock that will be added to the compost pile. I drained the stock twice through cheesecloth before putting it into the jars.


The veggies make the broth a lovely amber color, probably due to all the carrot peels.


These were processed for 1 hour and 30 minutes in the pressure canner. I ended up with 7 quarts of vegetable stock for the pantry shelf. Now I will start saving the scraps for another batch in the future. I mainly use the stock for making a variety of soups, bringing a whole new dimension when using homemade.

Pantry Tour

Per request by @goldenoakfarm I am sharing my pantry with you all. I had never considered doing this until Pam suggested I do so. I do a lot of canning, drying, and stocking up on different items throughout the year. I like to have everything I need on hand. I guess you would consider me a prepper of sorts.


This pantry in my laundry room is right off my kitchen and where I keep things I use all the time. It makes my life easier to have easy access to whatever I need.

The rest of the items are in a spare room which works nicely for me. With this extra storage area, I can keep all my canned and dry goods organized. After taking the photos, I realized some items I need to restock.

I hope you enjoyed my little tour and it inspires you to be well-prepared for your family too.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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Fantastic pantry! Like a dream to have such a wonderful pantry.

Thank you, @kaminchan I do love my pantry. It took me awhile to build it up to this point, now I just replenish.

I have to learn from your work and consistent efforts.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

As always I appreciate your support @ewkaw

Hi hi
I love the canning journey, but can I ask, what's your height above sea level?

I am at sea level and my pressure is 10 lbs for canning.

Thank you so much!

I've never seen anything like're great super neat compliments......but how many of you are in the family? it seems like a lot of food to me.....

We are just two of us but I do share with my son's family of five.

you are very willing and good, compliments

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How very cool to see your pantry! It looks like you really have 3. I wanted to use those steel shelves in the root cellar but was afraid they would rust in the humidity. I like the wood shelves in the main pantry.

I love having stock on hand. If I wasn't such a wuss, I'd pressure can mine too...

I had the main pantry shelves built years ago and it sure makes life easier for me. The other room is just for excess and used to be my soap room which I no longer do. The metal shelves work perfectly for me too. Pressure canning is no big deal, but you do have to watch it the whole time to regulate the temperature evenly throughout. I have to buy a new canner as the one I have is over 30 years old now.

Really nice. You're very organized and efficient in the kitchen.

Thanks @rosana6 I do my best to stay organized with my pantry.

Wow! You have a lot of stocks in your pantry. You are amazing in creating your own beans and stocks. A very organized person indeed. 🫶

Hi, @cup-bearer I do my best to stay organized and do preserve a lot of food for my family. It sure keeps me very busy.

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