Chocolate Waffles & Raspberry Syrup - by Sunscape

in Foodies Bee Hive4 months ago

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I finally got around to using my Christmas present, a waffle maker! I have never had one and usually just make pancakes. Well, let me just say that I am totally hooked on waffles.


I love the fact that it came with a recipe section for making different style waffles. This I must say is something that surprised me as I had never seen or had any variety other than the normal kind.


For the first batch I made the regular-style waffle and doubled the recipe. I like to make extra breakfast items to freeze for my husband. This makes it easy for him to have whatever he feels like in the morning. Of course, I always have a nice variety of choices for him.




For the first time using the machine, I was pleased with the results. Since it was going so well I made up another batch to fill up the tray to freeze.

Chocolate Waffles


Maybe I was having too much fun because I could not help myself, and I had to try making the Chocolate Waffle recipe too.



Now that I had a substantial amount of waffles cooling on the rack, it was time to give those chocolate waffles a try.


I knew that I wanted to try something special on them other than maple syrup. I had made some raspberry syrup in the fall and that seemed like the perfect combination to me. Plus, I have plenty of frozen berries that need to be used as well.

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Now, I must admit that the whipped cream on top of the waffle and a nice drizzle of raspberry syrup was the ticket.

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They were delicious to my amazement. Who knew that chocolate and waffles could be such a delightful combination. Apparently, my husband agrees because he has requested that I make many more of the chocolate ones in the future, I think I may have captured his sweet tooth. ;-)

If you are inclined to try the chocolate waffles for yourself, here is a link to my "Raspberry Syrup Recipe".

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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I love waffles and these look delicious.😍

I was so surprised at how good the chocolate waffles were.

Thanks a lot for the extra recipes! Your chocolate waffles look amazing, @sunscape, and you made enough to make a house for Hansel and Gretel, haha.

My waffle iron is cheap and small, only for two waffles at a time; I bought it a couple of years ago because it was on sale, but now that I see your racks packed to the last millimeter with all those waffles, I think maybe it's time to buy a bigger waffle iron 😁 and bigger racks 🙈

I have to admit, the large waffle maker really made it go fast. I froze a lot of them and all my husband does is let them thaw for a few minutes and then pop them in the toaster to warm them. Easy!

How come I haven't thought about that. That's a time saving!

It’s been a long time since I tasted waffles
This looks very nice and makes me feel like having it

Thanks, the waffles are delicious and I had not had any for many many years.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

And a Belgian waffle maker too!

I just have a very old square one that makes 4 regular type waffles. I always make 2 or 3 batches and freeze them. Mine are also made with millet flour. I never thought to make chocolate!

I had never heard of chocolate waffles until it was in the recipe book. They were actually really good with the raspberry syrup.

This looks super delicious! @sagarkothari88 vote 15%

They were very good, Sirena.

It looks so tasty 😍

The waffles were awesome, to my surprise.


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It looks amazing. I would sooooo enjoy one right now with honey! 🥰🥰

Wowww! They look super delicious and so so yummy! :)
Wish I could taste! :)

This is what I had created... Last week!!! :)