TacoCat (kinda) Cooks! #39: Yummy Garlicky Honey Soy Glazed Chicken

in Foodies Bee Hive7 months ago


Hey Hive!

We're back with more of our home cooking! If you're unfamiliar with this series, it's where I showcase some of the food we've been making at home since we've been cooking a lot nowadays! Both because it's cheaper and also healthier to cook for yourself compared to eating out. While I usually stick to the usual recipes I do like to try new ones once in a while and figured I'd share the new ones I've tried once a month so here we go!

I've been seeing some recipes pop up on my YouTube and found this video from a channel called Aaron and Claire, a Korean couple in the US where he makes these deliciously simple recipes for her to try. They have plenty of simple home cooked meal recipes on their channel and I've actually tried a few of them before and they turned out pretty good!

This is for soy glazed chicken and since we had a few frozen chicken strips left I thought I'd give it a try! He uses quite a few ingredients in the recipe but I decided to make it simpler and omit a few to see how it would taste.

For the main ingredients, we obviously need chicken. He uses fresh chicken thighs in the recipe, which I would recommend if you have it but you can use whatever chicken meat you have. To accompany this I would made some rice with vegetables and also air-fried corn which I have done before in my previous recipes.


  • fresh/frozen chicken thighs/strips
  • carrots, veggies (optional)
  • rice
  • garlic (at least 3 cloves)
  • salt
  • pepper
  • green onion (optional)

For the sauce:

  • 2.5 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tsp cornstarch
  • 0.5 cup water


Step 1: So the first step is to defrost the chicken since I'm using frozen chicken. If you're using fresh chicken you'd skip this step of course.

Step 2: While waiting for the chicken to defrost, I chopped up some vegetables to cook with my rice.


Step 3: Cook the rice and veggies in the rice cooker.

Step 4: Add soy sauce, oyster sauce, honey, sugar, cornstarch, water and mix to make the sauce for the chicken.


Mix all the sauces together until they form a smooth mixture.


Step 5: Chop or grind the garlic. You can also add the whites of spring onions to add more aromatics but I didn't have any on hand.


Step 6: Once the chicken is defrosted, pat them dry with paper towels then season with salt and pepper.


Step 7: Coat the chicken in corn starch, and shake off the excess powder.


Once all the chicken is coated in corn starch, they're ready to fry!


Step 8: In a large pan, heat up 2 tablespoons of oil on high heat and place the chicken in the pan, frying them until they have a light golden colour then flip and fry the other side as well. My chicken strips weren't very flat so I had to flip them quite a bit to get them evenly cooked.


Once the chicken is cooked through, set them aside.

Step 9: Stir fry the garlic and/or whites of the green onions if you used it.


Step 10: Pour in the sauce and boil on medium-high heat.


Step 11: After 2 minutes, add the chicken back into the pan and simmer them for another 2 minutes.


Flip the chicken and stir the sauce around to make sure the chicken is evenly coated.


And voila it's done! The rice should've been done by this time as well as the air fried corn that I added.


And this was our meal! I also air fried some potatoes with the corn which turned out a little tougher since the temperature was lower but it was still good!

The chicken didn't have as much of a crisp as I wanted I guess I didn't use enough oil or didn't fry it long enough. But the sauce turned out really nice and flavourful! I added a bit extra salt to it since there was honey and sugar and I didn't want it to be too sweet. The chicken was nicely coated in the sweet savoury sauce and it matched with the garlic really well too!


Overall, I'd say it was a really delicious meal and Sean finished his plate so quickly! I think because the chicken was frozen the meat was not as juicy but it was still good. Fresh chicken thighs would've been better for sure. Next time I try cooking this again I'll definitely try that.

All things considering this was still a pretty simple recipe, and I'd definitely recommend if you like teriyaki style chicken. I'd say to use fresh chicken instead of frozen and fry it longer so it's a bit crispier before coating it in the sauce and it'll be perfect!

Thanks for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

TacoCat (kinda) Cooks! #38: Air Fryer Spicy Tofu?

Posted via foodiesunite.net


It looks really delicious! It already made me hungry hahaha..... 😁

haha it was really good! thanks for reading! :3

This looks very good :) .... I have to ask you to send me some also :)

hahaha we ate it all already :/
but thanks for reading!

Uh .... it happens what me also , sometimes I eat all so fast that I forget to make photos that I had something good :)))


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