TacoCat's TrEats #157: Mouthwatering Grilled Wagyu Beef! 😋


Hey Hive!

We're back with another foodie post! Now that there are close to zero covid restrictions in Singapore, we are completely free to try out different food places again!

The other day we were walking around the mall in search of something to eat for dinner and we came across this yakiniku place that just smelled too good! Yakiniku is Japanese for grilled meat cuisine, and commonly refers to a style of cooking bite-size meat and vegetables on gridirons or griddles.

The restaurant is called Yakiniku Like!! The aroma of grilled meat was too strong to resist and since there wasn't a long line from what we could see, we decided to try it out!


I think the whole concept of this restaurant is it's a Yakiniku you can enjoy by yourself, and is marketed as a "solo" yakiniku restaurnant. It's quite typical for people in Japan to dine by themselves (either by choice or commonly because they're busy with work) which is why they have many restaurants and other "fast food" chains which are designed for solo dining experiences.

In fact, Yakinuki Like's branding even says "Are you feeling awkward while eating Yakiniku alone? That’s why we opened this restaurant for you." With your own grill you get to enjoy the meat at your own pace. Their special grills are also smokeless, to cater to office workers. How ingenious!


While dining alone may not be as commonly accepted here (and we also have plenty of food delivery options), Singapore does have many Japan options and have been very influenced by Japanese culture in general. So we have been adopting many Japanese practices and I guess this new dining concept is now one of them!

Anyway, Yakiniku Like boasts their pure-bred Japanese cattle A5 Miyazaki wagyu and they have quite a few different sets which come with different types of meat, rice, miso soup.


They also have other types of sets that are more affordable, but even the A5 is pretty reasonable.


And of course they have ala carte as well so you can order by weight.


When we arrived the restaurant was pretty full so we still had to wait but were assured it wouldn't take too long. We got our queue number and the ticket had a QR code so we could look the menu as well.


The outlet we went to wasn't that big which explains why it was full so quickly. It was also prime dinner hours so we hoped it wouldn't be a long wait. After all these kinds of Japanese restaurants were marketed as a place where you'd have quick meals and be on your way.


This particular outlet had 3 aisles of seats, and they were of course individual seats but were fairly close together so unlike other restaurants you'd most likely have to sit beside strangers.


There might have been some tables in the back but it was really crowded and kind of cramped so we didn't venture back there. And we actually ended up taking the front two seats right at the entrance. It was alright though since we were getting hungry and just wanted to eat.


Each seat comes with its own little grill in front and a dedicated slot for a tray of food.


Since I'd never tried A5 Wagyu beef before and it wasn't that expensive here, I thought I'd give it a try! So I ordered the A5 Wagyu Karubi and Pork belly set, which comes with rice, miso soup and strangely a bowl of kimchi:


While Sean ordered the Like Quattro Set which consists of Beef Short Plate, Beef Chuck, Pork Belly and Chicken Thigh, so we could try all their different types of meat.


Our grills were turned on just as we sat down so by the time our food arrived it was hot and ready to go! We immediately started grilling after taking pictures.


The meat was sooo delicious! It was so tender and juicy and I think I grilled it perfectly! It was kinda difficult to tell which meat was which since I have no idea what the difference is irl but they had unique tastes and some subtle differences in flavour.


After a while though it was hard to tell which was which since we exchanged meat as well, and we had 6 different types between us. We're not very familiar with beef since we don't eat it often either but we just knew it was so tasty! The chicken was definitely the weakest though, it tasted good but by the time you grill it the pieces become so small and shriveled so it's not as good.


I think the Wagyu was definitely very delicious, but I did enjoy Sean's beef as well. I wouldn't say it's not worth it since it doesn't cost that much more but the regular sets are just as good imo.


Overall it was definitely a very satisfying meal! And even payment was easy; we just took our receipt to the self-payment kiosk at the entrance.


They even have instructions on how to use it and it's really simple. It is cashless though so you have to be sure you have cards on hand.


Unfortunately we didn't take selfies here but we did take a few instagram stories here if you wanna check it out:

If you ever get the chance definitely check out Yakiniku Like! We actually saw the same restaurant chain in Tokyo and it was slightly cheaper but didn't try it there since it was always so crowded! But thankfully we have it now in Singapore so it's okay.

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

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Check out my previous post in this series!

TacoCat's TrEats #156: Delicious Yam Cakes and a Disappointing Meal? 😕


Posted via foodiesunite.net


Looks amazing. I love beef 🤩. Wait you belanja me boss

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I have been thinking about wagyu beef lately. I watched some famous mukbangers online eating this. It's just mouthwatering.
What's the difference between wagyu beef and the other kind of beef?

I don't really eat beef very often so tbh I think they're all really yummy! But there is a difference in flavour between wagyu beef and the regular beef. I don't really know how to describe it but it's definitely worth trying if you like beef and get the chance!


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