Bread Maker Cinnamon Raisin Sandwich Loaf

Hi Guys!

How is your Thursday going so far? My household is busy with the new kittens, and also, grass cutting and lawn mowing 😁 With so much rain we were getting, grass had grown like nobody's business. A jungle in the backyard 😆

Sadly all them rains and thunderstorms, wrecked havoc my flower gardens. Today I had to snipped off all the lilacs, as the flowers all gone due to the heavy wind and rain.

Oh..where am I going with this post, when my intention is recipe sharing 😅✌


Cinnamon raisin sandwich loaf I baked just now, you guys. Was still steaming as my husband sliced it 😋 House smells wonderful due to it.

Here are the ingredients, and check the video for the full steps ❤

1 1/4 c water
2 tbsp butter
3 1/4 c flour
1/4 c milk powder
1/4 c white sugar
1/4 c brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp coarse Kosher salt
2 tsp active dry yeast

2 handfuls raisins/sultanas


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You got new kittens?! Did I miss a post? Or was it explained in a video as I haven't been watching the videos, just reading the recipes and whatever other text you include lately ^_^;

Yes mentioned in the vids a couple of times 😁

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