Fragrant Turmeric Rice and Shredded Turkey

in Foodies Bee Hive β€’ 5 months ago

Good Morning!

Happy 1st day of 2024 ❀️

We missed the fireworks last night! Somehow in our mind, it was going to be just before midnight, but it was not. It was so early, at 8 PM. So we were having dinner and heard some fireworks going on, but thought it was just neighbors' instead the city's. After dinner, I went to check schedule for the fireworks and realized. Yep. We missed it. Yep. It really was the one. Meh πŸ™„ What a great start of 2024, hey πŸ˜…

My awesome husband, though, ladies and gents, he already prepared sparklers for us, as he always does every NYE. So we lit our own "fireworks". Not grand whatsoever, but good enough that the smoke alarm went off πŸ˜πŸ˜…πŸ˜πŸ˜…

We didn't stay up til midnight this time. Normally we would play monopoly, Jenga and whatnot, but since our household is still battling the cold, we had to take meds and that made us drowsy. So not long after the sparklers, we went to bed 😁

Hope everyone had a great NYE celebrations!

For today's recipe share. I have fragrant turmeric rice from Indonesia, Nasi Kuning. It is always accompanied with various sides of proteins and whatnot. As I had leftover turkey, I turned the fried turkey into shredded turkey. As I mentioned, Nasi Kuning is always accompanied with proteins, and often it is with either shredded chicken, fried chicken, or any other chicken dish, so the shredded turkey was a great subs for shredded chicken 😊


3 c of rice
1 lemon grass
1 thumb ginger
Turmeric powder (enough to color the rice yellowish, about 1/4-1/2 tsp)
3 kafir lime leaves
2 Indonesian bay leaves (daun salam)
Salt to taste
1 can of coconut milk
Water as needed (watch the vlog)


Left over oil-less fried turkey (from previous share)
1 onion
6 garlic
2 tbsp sunflower oil
3 kafir lime leaves
Oyster sauce to taste
Sweet soy sauce (kecap manis), to taste
Maggi liquid seasoning, to taste
Ground white pepper, tiny pinch

Cucumber slices, fried shallots, sambal (hot sauce), crackers, for serving

Rinse clean rice, place them into rice cooker pot, followed with the rest of the ingredients, stir to combine, then click/choose cook option.




Slice garlic and onion thinly, set to side. Shred turkey either with fork or hands, set to side.

Heat oil, saute sliced garlic and onion plus kafir lime leaves until fragrant.

Stir in shredded turkey.

Season with sauces and ground white pepper.





Discard kafir lime leaves and sprinkle chives generously, stir to combine.

Serve turmeric rice with shredded turkey and sliced cucumber. If using sprinkle rice with fried shallots and serve with sambal and crackers.

Bon appetit!

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What a unique dish! Honestly, I have not tried it and as I looked at the ingredients and how to prepare it, I was so excited to try this at home dear. I am sure this recipe is so delicious and nutritious as well.

Let me know once you give the recipe a try 😊

Sounds like a great use of leftover turkey.

We haven't watched the new year fireworks for ages. I vaguely remember there used to be a shorter one for younger kids at 8 or 9pm and then the actual one at midnight, but that's probably an expensive thing to do now.

Hope that cold has cleared up!

We are good now, thank you. No more stuffy nose, sniffles, fever, cough, nor ear infection. Phew!

Yay! The ear infections especially don't sound like they would have been fun for anyone x_x