Kremes (Hungarian Cream Slice)

Happy Sunday!

It is so beautiful outside, sunny and warm, feels like Spring! Well, it has been like this for the past 2 weeks now, 1 day Winter, next day Spring, back to Winter, then Spring again, repeat. What is going on? 😁 No, not complaining, but seriously, am wondering what happened to Winter this year 😁 The other month was -51 C, however, lately Spring, Winter, Spring, Winter, on repeat indeed. BEAUTIFUL outside!!!

The bad news? Well, my youngest has been battling fever since Thursday night 😬 Poor guy can't catch a break. He fell on his kneecap on Wednesday due to icy surface, caught the flu on Thursday, been throwing up, shivering, coughing, his joints also hurting, yada yada yada. It's the darn whiplash temperature, I tell ya! Beautiful, but brings out the sicknes 🤪


This Hungarian dessert is not overly sweet, can be served with sprinkled icing sugar on top or not. Easy to prepare, and you can use only 1 puff pastry sheet or both, and you can even double the cream ingredients easily!



1 or 2 puff pastry sheets
Sugar for sprinkling

Cream (Custard)

6 eggs
1 heaping tsp vanilla essence (Mexican is the best or pure vanilla extract)
200 ml milk
60 g AP flour


Icing sugar

Thaw both puff pastry, roll flat, place on parchment lined baking pans

Poke with forks, sprinkle with sugar


Bake on preheated 400 F for 20 mins (convection oven)

Take out and slice with pizza cutter for 1 of the puff pastry layer (for top layer)


Separate the eggs, beat the whites until stiff peak form



Pour a little milk into the yolks, add in vanilla, mix

Stir in flour

Into a pot, pour the rest of the milk and add in sugar


Bring to boil in medium heat until sugar dissolved

Stir in yolk mixture, cook until thickened

Take off from heat, stir in meringue, mix til completely combined

Pour cream onto puff pastry that isn't sliced, spread and let stand for 10 minutes

Top with puff pastry squares


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Chill over night, slice, and serve sprinkled with icing sugar

Yummo 😍


The pastry cream looks delicious. The whole dessert looks delicious 😋

Give the recipe a try, it's super simple to prepare 😊😊😊😊

Oh, I will. Thank you ❤️

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They look delicious! And from memory they taste delicious too (though obviously I had something like that not ones that you made specifically).

Poor child, hope he feels better soon, yeh the sudden weather changes do seem to make people sick :S

Aah my youngest ended up at ER, Fynn. He was throwing up blood. There is vomiting disease on the rise, in Canada. Luckily, he did not have that. While he still is coughing, he has stopped throwing up since yesterday.

Now, my oldest is sick too, with flu 😳

Winter, I tell ya 😬

Aaaahhhh that would have been terrifying D: sounds like he's at least a bit better now though?

Seems like it's not just winter anymore, i've got some friends over here where it's blazing hot (okay it's actually been amazingly pleasant the last couple of days) and they've got colds?! o_O

Hope the kids recover quickly!

Atm it is 11.40 pm here in Canada, almost midnight, yikes, and i have been here at the ER with my oldest. So his cold caused him ear infection, and the infection ruptured his ear drum 😭 we have been here since 4 pm 😬

Aaaahhhhh that sucks D: