Today I prepared a delicious pasta with chicken, mortadera in tomato sauce.[Esp-Eng]

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Hoy he preparado esta receta que le gusta mucho a mi familia, es una pasta con pollo y mortadela en salsa de tomate, mi intención es que sea fácil de preparar y no nos lleve mucho tiempo porque siempre tenemos los ingredientes a mano y lo más importante que queda muy deliciosa.
Today I have prepared this recipe that my family likes very much, it is a pasta with chicken and mortadella in tomato sauce, my intention is that it is easy to prepare and does not take us much time because we always have the ingredients at hand and the most important thing is that it is very delicious.


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300 grs de pasta, 1/2 kilo de pechuga de pollo, 150 grs de mortadela, 03 dientes de ajo, 02 cebollines, 04 tomates, 01 cucharada de orégano, 01 cucharadita de azúcar, sal y pimienta al gusto.


300 grams of pasta, 1/2 kilo of chicken breast, 150 grams of mortadella, 03 cloves of garlic, 02 scallions, 04 tomatoes, 01 tablespoon of oregano, 01 teaspoon of sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

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Comienzo esta receta lavando y cortando la pechuga de pollo, la mortadela y el cebollin en cubos pequeños. Seguido sazono la pechuga con sal y pimienta.

I start this recipe by washing and cutting the chicken breast, mortadella and chives into small cubes. Then I season the breast with salt and pepper.


Luego en un sarten con un poco de aceite cocino las pechugas por cinco minutos, le añado la mortadela y sofrio hasta que queden doraditas.
Then in a frying pan with a little oil I cook the breasts for five minutes, add the mortadella and fry until golden brown.


En un sarten aparte coloco una cucharada de aceite para luego añadir el ajo machacado y el cebollín dejo que se marchite más o menos dos minutos revolviendo constantemente, luego agrego la pechuga de pollo y la mortadela.
In a separate pan I put a tablespoon of oil and then add the crushed garlic and the chives and let it wilt for about two minutes, stirring constantly, then add the chicken breast and the mortadella.


Ahora es el turno de los tomates el cual cocino por tres minutos los licuo y cuelo, para añadir ese puré a la cocción, le añado la sal, la pimienta, el azúcar y el orégano y dejo cocinar por veinte minutos a fuego bajo, hasta que reduzca y espese la salsa.
Now it is the turn of the tomatoes, which I cook for three minutes, blend them and strain them, to add the puree to the cooking, add salt, pepper, sugar and oregano and let them cook for twenty minutes over low heat, until the sauce reduces and thickens.


Preparo la pasta, en una olla con suficiente agua, agrego la sal y la pasta cuando el agua esté hirviendo, dejo cocinar según indicaciones del empaque, cuelo y reservo.
I prepare the pasta, in a pot with enough water, add the salt and the pasta when the water is boiling, let it cook according to the package directions, strain and set aside.


Lista la pasta y transcurrido los veinte minutos la incorporo a la salsa revuelvo y cocino por tres minutos mas y listo.
The pasta is ready and after twenty minutes I add it to the sauce, stir and cook for three more minutes and that's it.


Servir bien caliente y disfrutoar de un plato delicioso. Podemos espolvorearlo con queso parmesano. Buen provecho! y espero que les haya gustado. Hasta la próxima receta.
Serve hot and enjoy a delicious dish. We can sprinkle it with parmesan cheese. Enjoy it and I hope you liked it. See you next time.




Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi 9 A|| Photos of my property taken with my Redmi phone.
Editor "Canva" || Traductor "Deepl"

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Your meal preparation was well detailed and properly presented. Thank you for sharing such a great meal steps.

I love that you liked. I can tell you that it was delicious and the best thing is that we always have those ingredients. Hand. Regards

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I have never tried to use fresh tomatoes on my pasta before, with that being said, I am going to try this recipe of yours using of course fresh tomatoes.

Here in Venezuela it is common to use natural products, in particular I have always liked to make tomato sauce at home. Thanks for taking your time to read my post. Regards

You're welcome, have a nice day ahead. By the way, here in the Philippines we almost do not use fresh tomatoes.

I love your pasta...!! ummm


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Hola estimada theresa16, me encanta el espagueti y con mortadela y salsa de tomate mucho mejor, yuummiii se me antoja un poco a esta hora para almorzar.
