Tuesday night food a delicious pasta.

in Foodies Bee Hive4 months ago

It's been a while since I posted something. I hope that everyone is doing great. I made a nice delicious dinner. A pasta dish with tuna and bacon. It was the first time I made this dish. Scroll down and read what I have made. 😂

Here are all the ingredients that I used for this delicious meal.

300grams of pasta of any kind
1 can of tuna
3 pieces of bacon or diced bacon
1 onion
1/2 green pepper
1 can of creamy soup
1 can of sweet corn
Spice of your choice
1 or 2 tomatoes
A lot of cheese
1 packet of mushrooms

Firstly you boil the water for the pasta or macaroni.
Then you add some salt and the pasta to cook.
When it's done rinse it off with cold water.

Next, I took the onion and chopped it up.

I did it as well with the green pepper

I took 3 pieces of bacon and cut it up.

Okay, all the preparations are done let me start cooking haha. 😊I add all the chopped-up ingredients to the pan with a little bit of oil. And fried it until it was softened. While it was busy getting soft I added some spices for flavor.

While it was cooking I added a little bit of water and then I added the sweetcorn and the can of mushroom sauce and let it cook for a while. When it was almost done I added the can of tuna. Stir it well and let it cook for 5 minutes.

Now for the grill in the oven time. Put the oven on 180 degrees. You can take a glass bowl or an oven pan, I used an oven pan. Spray it with a cook and spray. Then I took the tuna mixture add it first to the pan after that I poured the pasta over the cheese and added the cheese on top of the pasta.

Lastly, I cut up a tomato and add it on top of the cheese. Add it to the oven for half an hour.

The food was done and very delicious.

I hope that everyone will have a blessed week. And be safe. See you guys soon again.

Cheers for now.


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