2023.4 An essay about manufactured sugary products

in Foodies Bee Hive11 months ago

Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar.

It is true that an increase in sugar content in many manufactured food and drink products causes various health issues. While making these products more costly may encourage consumers to have a lower intake of sugar, I disagree with this statement.


Many of us consume commercially prepared foods and drinks such as cakes, cookies, ice cream, carbonated drinks, and fruit juices. These goods have labels on their packaging when we buy them in the market, providing information on their ingredients and nutrients, including their sugar content. The labeled details are sufficient to inform us of how much sugar we get if we consume a particular food or drink product. It is no longer needed to increase their prices just to discourage people from consuming them. Adding more description to the label of the product for possible health effects may be suggested instead of making it expensive.

There is also a potential close down of some companies that produce and manufacture sugary products, as well as the retailers and small businesses that sell them. When the price of these products is high, not everyone can afford them. Lesser consumers could be the reason for their closure. Company and business owners and their employees would lose their jobs if this occurred.


In summary, making sugary products more expensive just to encourage people to consume less of them will possibly result in business closures and the loss of jobs for some. I would suggest that labeling such products with the health hazards associated with high sugar intake will encourage individuals to consume less of them.

Tom L.