Market Friday : Food photo contest hunt .

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

Greeting everyone ,

This is my submission for #MarketFriday by @dswigle . :).

Today is Friday and this is my first time to share my Market Friday experience. My mission today is FOOD . Taking some awesome picture for POBphotocontest which link can be found HERE . But actually this is another reason for me to find some delicious food around the town.

I went to a nearest shopping mall , its about 30 minutes drive from my home , CITY MALL . Along the way to the mall , the day look about to rain , im afraid there would be flash flood around my route if the rain come heavily like always . Look like i have another bad day since the traffic is so bad . It give me additional 30 minutes just to move around 200 m because of heavy traffic at the U-turn going to the mall and i really hate traffic . I actually prefer to wait at any restaurant and let the traffic finish but because the sky look about to rain , i have no choices to just drive to the mall. Lucky , i get easy parking spot when im arrive.


All decoration and Christmas song make me cant wait for the Christmas , should i go to buy some Christmas decoration.

NO... NO.. NO.. I need to focus to find some FOOD.



My first thing to go is the KFC . I have some idea , to make some photo using the BURGER for my food shoot.

Another bad news , they dont have the stock for BURGER . It was my first time hearing that KFC got not enough food.


I need to think another alternative .

Ermm , the milk tea look delicious. Should i get some ?

I end up getting the milk tea . FOCUS !!! The rain is coming.




I keep wondering around , look other stuff other than food . Well , its been long a while i havent come here. I think more than 3 years since the pandemic . I actually quite happy to walk around the market place.


Then suddenly i smell something good. It was a bread smell and i found the famous AUNTY BREN bakery. I go inside to check what they sell today. Yeah , i buy 2 cheese bun and a hot dog with chees bun because they look super delicious . It cost me USD 3 for all of them .




So, i have some food to become my model . Now , i need some prop . I decided to buy some small toy which cost me USD2.50 .


I spend around USD 5.50 for the shoot , not include the milky tea :). Got all those stuff and it time to go home. It was already raining and i manage to come home safely.

So , lets do the shoot. It just simple shoot using white paper for the background.



I play around with them around 30 minutes and this is the final shoot .

This is my submission for POBphotocontest with theme FOOD.


After the shoot , i eat everything but not the toys. Happy FRIYAY everyone :).


gila la lenss....mantap!!!! jgn sj sakit perut mkn ni kuih balik 😸

Comfirm masuk perut haha