Making seafood boil at home ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ 

in Foodies Bee Hive โ€ข 3 years ago
One of my dreams is to live near the sea, preferably, in an island. Have you ever wanted living in that kind of place? It maybe isolated and remote but that sounds so perfect for me who finds solace and rest just by simply spending time in nature. Aside from that beautiful scenery, I just know that the food I'll eat, those freshly caught from the sea, would taste so great!

My childhood memories of how we spent our summer vacations were mostly going to the beach with the whole family. We would spend the whole day swimming anf playing on the sand while our parents would prepare lunch and snacks. Seafood feasts were so grand back then. It was something we wanted to recreate last weekend. Even with the lack of the great view of the seas, we went to the market to buy some seafood and made seafood boil! It's an easy recipe since all you have to do is boil all the ingredients, but what differs for all seafood boil recipe is the sauce.



  • Tiger prawns
  • Crabs
  • Mussels
  • Onion leeks
  • Honey
  • Red pepper paste
  • Garlic
  • Ginger


The variety of seafood you can put in this dish makes the eating experience better. So if there are more you can add such as clams, lobster, crab legs, sausages, potato, and corn, go ahead. We were supposed to add corn but we wanted to eat this with a cup of rice. Hahaha. Since we've come to love spicy food, we wanted to make the sauce spicy. The chili paste or gochujang can be bought from grocery stores and surely from any Korean grocery stores.

Boil all the seafood ingredients! ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿฆ€



Depending on the size of the seafood you have, the boiling time takes from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. It would be better to boil the ingredients separately so you can have everything properly cooked.

Making the sauce, the spicier, the better. ๐Ÿ˜‹


Sautรฉ the garlic and ginger in a pan, large enough that can accommodate all the seafood. Using the stock from boiling seafood ingredients, add a spoonful (or more) of the red pepper paste and a teaspoon of honey. You can also use sugar as a substitute for the honey. The onion leeks can be used as a garnish but can also be added to the pan together with the boiled seafood. The last thing you have to do if mix everything well, let the sauce cover the seafood you have added and wait for the sauce to thicken. Enjoy!


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I know its so delicious! Rich with flavor and can make a high chloesterol :D
But sure, i want eat all now ๐Ÿ˜
Thanks for sharing

Hahaha, yup. This dish is definitely not a healthy one but itโ€™s something we eat occasionally so itโ€™s okay. You should try it too. ๐Ÿ˜€

Wow, this one looks super delicious. I will give this one a try.

Yess, you should and make sure to add more variety on the ingredients ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I will (^_^)

I admire you so much, I also love cooking but I do it not well.

Thank you very much! You should start learn how to cook. :) I'm not really a good cook but I love eating good food so I try to explore what I can do about it.