"El concurso #FOODIE de April Fools de Terminal" Guisado de bagre. "Terminal's April Fools' #FOODIE contest" Catfish Stew.

Hola mi gente bella de hive y un gran abrazo a los creadores de platos ricos. en especial a los de foodies bee hive. Hoy querio mostrarle un menu que es muy rico aunque el pescado es un poco feito pero el sabor es una delicia. Un guisado de bagre traido directamente del mar. Y que se puede acompañar con unas ricas arepitas, arroz y tajadas de platano con su juguito de piña. Verlo es quererlo hacer. Espero les guste.


Hello my beautiful people of hive and a big hug to the creators of delicious dishes. especially those of foodies bee hive. Today I wanted to show you a menu that is very rich although the fish is a little ugly but the taste is a delight. A catfish stew brought directly from the sea. And that can be accompanied with some delicious arepitas, rice and slices of banana with pineapple juice. To see it is to want to do it. I hope you like it.

Primero corte con ayuda de mi padre el bagre ya que eran muy grande yo solo no pude. sus aletas son muy gruesas y duras se tubo que buscar una tenazas por lo duro que son, para cortarselas al igual que su cabeza.



First I cut the catfish with the help of my father, as they were too big for me to cut them and their fins are very thick and hard, so I had to find a pair of pliers to cut them and their head.

Una vez cortados y limpiado se corta en rueda para guisarlo.


Once cut and cleaned, it is cut into rounds for stewing.

Luego corte los aliños que viene hacer cebollas, ajices, montes, pimenton, todo cortado pequeñito.


Then cut the seasonings that come to make onions, chili peppers, mounts, paprika, all cut into small pieces.

Despúes, va al fuego en una paila grande muy grande, se sofrie a fuego mediano, y se le va agregando los condimentos adobo, color, sal.



Afterwards, it goes to the fire in a very large pan, it is fried over medium heat, and the seasonings, adobo, color and salt are added.

Una vez sofrito los aliños, se le agrega el pescado y se muebe con un cucharon para compactar todo los aliños con el pescado.


Once the seasonings are sautéed, add the fish and stir with a spoon to compact all the seasonings with the fish.

Se le agrega agua suficiente para que empiece el sabor de sabores.


Enough water is added to start the flavor taste of flavors.

Lo tapamos y cuando el pescado ya este hirviendo se mueve con mucho cuidado tratando de no romperlo ya que es muy delicado cuando ya esta cocinado. Se tapa y esperamos que se cocine cuando este casi listo se mueve solo alsando la paila por las asas para asi no tocar el pescado.



We cover it and when the fish is boiling it is moved very carefully trying not to break it since it is very delicate when it is already cooked. We cover it and wait for it to cook when it is almost ready, we only move the pan by the handles so as not to touch the fish.

Para terminar servimos el arroz, las arepitas y las tajadas de platano y listo para colocar los pies debajo de la mesa a degustar este riquisimo plato de guisado de bagre.



Finally we serve the rice, the arepitas and the slices of banana and ready to place the feet under the table to taste this delicious dish of catfish stew.


Hello @valprincess What a nice looking fish dish. I love all the veggies added. I'll bet they blended well with the sauce and gave the fish a delicate flavor. Did you cook the heads too? or were you just showing us the head after it was cut off. My mom used to cook the head in a soup she called "fish head stew."

Thanks for sharing your dish, and good luck in the contest.


That's one big Catfish 😯

The stew looks very tasty 😋

Chama para la próxima me invitas jajajjaja

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