Jammin' Fig Pork Chops with Diced Potato's & Green Beans

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago

November 21, 2020

I enjoy making simple recipes that are extremely easy, absolutely delicious. This recipe calls for only 6 ingredients. Or 10 if you include the very common household ingredient, butter, salt & pepper, water & oil.


Here I have laid out:
Center cut pork chops 2
Yukon Gold Potato's 6 small
Garlic 3 cloves
Green beans 6oz
Chicken stock concentrate 1 Tsp
Fig jam 1 oz

You'll also need:
1/4 cup water

First start with all the preparation of the produce.
Start by setting your oven to 450 Degrees.

You'll always want to start out by washing & drying all the produce. If you have a potato scrubber, it's best to scrub away the dirt & germs that could be on the potato from others handling the produce in the past. (It goes thru a lot of places just to get in your house)



You'll want to get the prep work done before you start cooking, that's how I always start my process of making dinner, just so I don't have do do something else while something else is cooking.

Peal the skins off the garlic & finely chop them up until their fine.


Start dicing your potato's into 1/2 in pieces. Rinse off the starch if you would like after cutting them into the pieces & dry them. Place in a large bowl & add about a table spoon of oil, salt & pepper. Mix well & place on a baking sheet in a single layer.

In same bowl used for potato's, add green beans. Another table spoon of oil, salt & pepper. Mix well & place on a 2nd baking sheet.

Place the potato's in the oven on the top rack & the green beans on the rack under the potato's & set a timer for 15 minutes.



Once vegetables are in the oven we can start with the pork chops. Today I used some boneless center cut pork loin cut into about 1/2 thick.

Get out a medium large pan & add a drizzle of oil to heat on medium-high until hot.
Place these on a plate, grab some paper towels & pat dry on both sides.
Add some salt & pepper to both sides of the pork & by this time your pan should be hot enough to start cooking.

Place pork chops & cook for about 4-5 minutes per side on medium-high heat. Be sure to set a timer for this to prevent overcooking or undercooking.
Once pork chops are finished cooking, take them off the pan & set on a place. We'll finish with them in a bit.


In same pan that was just used for the pork chops, while still hot, add the garlic to the pan. Let cook for about 30 seconds. You'll start to smell it by then.

After those 30 seconds have come it's time to add the 1 tsp of chicken stock concentrate, the fig jam, & 1/4 cup of water. Stir around & let cook for about 5 minutes. As it comes to thicken add 1 TBSP of butter until fully melted.


As it thickens up add the pork chops to the sauce & cook together for another 2-3 minutes spooning the sauce over the top of the chops.


By this time from starting the sauce to cooking the pork chops with the sauce the veggies timer would have gone off. Those come off & sit a while to cool off before eating. They come done together pretty close to one another if timed correctly.

Once nicely incorporated the into the pork chops you could prep your plates pour a glass of white wine if you like & get to munching down on this delicious meal.



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Pleasure to meet you at @theterminal and look forward to seeing the rest of your introduction, and welcoming you to the community.

This looks like a delicious recipe, and one that many could both create, and enjoy. Being among those who welcome, as well as share pertinent information on the Blockchain, I'd encourage you to share the methods you've used to capture your photographs...

Not in any way downing your post, or awesome recipe!! Just a habit to share positive energy and Create Positive Bridges...


What do you mean by "Encoruage me to share the methods I've used to capture my photograph..."
I used my phones camera.

His suggestion was to place a simple note somewhere, perhaps at the bottom of your post: "All photos by me" or something similar, just to let readers know they are shots taken by you. 🙂

Oh, I see. Thank you. Yes, all photos were taken by me. I will be sure to say that in the next post I make.

I assure you that I meant no disrespect my friend. We teach new members as well as veterans to source their content. Just disheartening to see users with awesome content, such as yourself, get blacklisted and bad rep for someone hollering plagiarism...

We've got years of valuable information to share at @theterminal!! Look forward to seeing you there!!

Do I have to do it under every picture I take, or at the end of the post could I say that all photos were taken by me on my smartphone?


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This sounds like a wonderful recipe! I sometimes enjoy stewed apples with pork chops, and I dearly love figs, so that is something I definitely want to try! 😃

I do also have an apple stewed pork chop recipe. I may make it again one day. I could also share that simple recipe as well with the HIVE Foodie community.

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