Uganda: Crypto Events/Meetups Happening This Weekend (9-11) December 2022

I have always been a fan of crypto events as it is a great way to always network and build connections and also get to know each other better in the crypto Blockchain Space.

I have actually been consistently attending these crypto events in my country here in Uganda and guess what, these events have gotten me numerous opportunities!

I actually don't go to the events looking for opportunities btw, I always go to learn more about the space and coincidently the opportunities knock me hahaha.

I actually wrote a post detailing the 4 reasons why you must attend crypto/blockchain meetups/events in your country, check it out.

Anyway, enough of the yada yada, let's go to the events I have personally signed up for and will be attending this weekend here in Uganda.

Crypto/Blockchain Events Happening In Uganda This Weekend

I have so far signed up for two events happening in the Capital City of Uganda Kampala this weekend

1. Binance In Kampala Meetup

It is surprising that this is the first-ever Binance in Kampala Meetup! There have been many Binance meetups happening around the country like the one I attended in Jinja City which is in the eastern part of Uganda.

You can check out some tweets I made about that Binance in Jinja event.

Another one is here below

~~~ embed:1594038213642952705 twitter metadata:SmFyYXVNb3Nlc3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9KYXJhdU1vc2VzL3N0YXR1cy8xNTk0MDM4MjEzNjQyOTUyNzA1fA== ~~~

As I said earlier this is the first Binance in Kampala meetup and guess what the slots are already filled up, but you can still come and attend if you come early.

Come along and enjoy valuable networking opportunities. You'll have the chance to meet industry leaders, join in discussions and celebrate the launch of our first crypto Educational piece in Kampala.

Time: Sat, December 10, 2022, 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM EAT

Venue: Design Hub Kampala Fifth Street Kampala, Central Region  "Binance.avif" Image Source

2. Crypto and Pizza with Luno Uganda

This will be the first Luno meetup I will be attending in Kampala.

Join us for food, drinks, networking and conversations about all things crypto as we wind up 2022. See you there.

For those who might not know Luno yet.

Luno is a leading global cryptocurrency exchange with over 3 million customers in over 40 countries. Luno is live in Uganda since 2019 providing a safe and easy way to learn about, buy, trade and store cryptocurrency.

Date and time:Fri, December 9, 2022, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM EAT

Venue: Innovation Village Ntinda-Kasasi Road, Ntinda Shopping Complex (Opposite St. Luke’s Church), Block C, 3rd Floor Kampala, Central Region

Image Source

You can sign up for the Luno event on Eventbrite

So folks so far these are the two Crypto events I am aware of and will be attending this weekend.

You can contact me at the following social media below

Twitter -Jarau Moses
Telegram -Jarau Moses
Facebook -Jarau Moses
Linkdedin-Jarau Moses
Medium-Jarau Moses

Jarau Moses


Binance has been making big waves in Africa . Hive use to be the main talks but the trading and finance aspects is overtaking the whole race. Perhaps we need to orient people into hive more and have a lot of meet ups

True bro we need to resume the insane energy we had while promoting the old blockchain.

Btw where have you been bro, use any of the contact links on this post and we talk especially TG or Twitter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Link up with me on Twitter @tj4real_

I can't send you a DM there because they are blocked,send me a DM

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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