am i in the right way ?

in CONNECTING THE DOTS4 years ago (edited)

hey all i have deep depretion.
ther are 3 emotional plyaers with in me and i think i succeeded to give each one his place to my recover.

i have 3 contradict emotions.
1 'mr hide' i keen to be the victim in relationships. its relaxing. i want to be controlled. tired of controlling my self.

2 'mr king' i belive that im the creator of the reallity. im responsible for what happens . i and only i am the creator of my world. (our society keep say those words to us).

3 'mr eve' i blame my self uncountiously all the time that im not making the right moves to my desired future.
because if im the creator. then im the one to blame.

4 'mr missing' is not exist in me. its the acknolage that in each situation there are things that i cant change. its didnt start for me. i think this guy is missing to all our generation.

so i just realised today that because im so belive to mr king ... i allwys blame my self. because ian only the responsible. and so to get some rest. to tell mr eve 'break of me' im saying im victim. 'my intetions are good but what can i do .. mr eve is killing me. so i can do nothing.'

whats the solution ?
think of each difficult situation you had.
think what you could do to change. if you could - learn from it to the present.

but --- if you couldnt change it. aknolage it. accept that you just cant. its not because of you.
mr missing will rise. and you feel strong
that you have the powers to see the things that you can change. focus on it. mr eve vanish . its just your powers now that recognise the ability to change what you may. you count on your self. thats the way i like it :-)