Blowbacks from "terrorism as a strategy against civilians" - psywarfare "constant guilt triping attempt" (UNO) - fbi regime change "fear campaign"

in The Empire of War !3 years ago
Authored by @theemperor
  1. with terrorism against civilians, you really end up being hated, totally wholly...

  2. at one point psywarfare using guilt trip, doesn't work anymore...

  3. the fbi /dod etc are using fear to seat their bidet, that's one of the thing I love the most about ISLAM : don't fear death, or anything, but God...

so if you combine 1+2... it start become interesting...
add 3... the killing starts...

funy that to think that the @fbi is conducting a terror campaign against americans who saw their election stolen... and how is fort nancy holding with the @dod ? btw I found why @dod you don't want to defend the southern border... not profitable enough... shame on mercs who betrayed america and using a false flag... at least wear your UNO patch, shits and traitors... but that parts only addresses the non brain deads, as the others are so dumb they don't nor can't even understand... poor fucks.