Last trip to Cadwell Park this year

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I didn't get out to Cadwell Park much this year, but last Sunday I made arrangements to meet a friend there. First stop is usually the cafe, and we were lucky that they were still serving breakfast. So a couple of slices of bacon, sausage, fried egg, beans, a couple of slices of toast and a coffee set us up for the next couple of hours.

Where are we, whare are we

The weather was surprisingly kind to us. It had been wet and windy and cold in the days leading up to our visit. But thankfully, it was was warm (for the end of October) and the sun was shining. If, anything it was a little bit on the bright side and "glare-y"


We didn't stay long, an hour or two (after breakfast) I didn't want to go home with 1000s of images to go through. So we stayed long enough time for us both to get some shots. I got a fair few "clunkers" - I was trying to push myself. I don't particularly like images where the bike looks frozen, I've been trying to perfect my panning technique, but at the same time getting as much blur on the wheels as possible.

Just another red flag

I shot the moving bikes at f5.6 with a speed of 100th sec. Getting a decent panned shot, that is still sharp, but still with the wheel motion apparent made for an entertaining, if not an entirely productive shoot. More practice needed, but as the season is coming to an end, it will probably be next year. And I will really need to get out there a bit more often and practice hard.


About me:

I can mostly be found shooting models, aviation, motorsports and, when I can, wildlife. But I enjoy most aspects of photography. You can find more of my work on the links below.


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