The Green Metallic Bug

The Protaetia Cuprea is such a beauty to behold

Here are the photos I took with the metallic green bug and I hope you would appreciate it

Hello Hive friends! I hope you are doing well and are in the pink of health/ I wish you all are happy too.

The photos above were taken by me using my phone camera.

The Protaetia Cuprea got lost and got inside my house one day and I caught it resting in the laundry. Good thing I made it a habit to check my dirty clothes before dumping them into the washing machine and saw him.

I'm so glad I saved him from his untimely death and there I took a photo of him from every angle.God is great! and his creation is amazing!

The lower part of the insect's body is soft but the exoskeleton that keeps the wings safe is hard and it has this unique pigmentation that reacts to light as it reflects it. Some artists have dedicated lots of their time to copy it and somehow they have succeeded.

Shortly after, I released the bug into the small garden I had and flew away. I hope he had multiplied a lot by now to make this World more beautiful.

That will be all for my blog today, thank you for your time and support.

all images are mine and is not free for anyone to use