
I see, self questions and answers already danced on the scene, so just a bit of music is lacking to make the coolest alarm clock ever even cooler!

Got anything particular in mind? On the job (back when I had to do that stuff) I had this song for my alarm clock on the phone cuz I was that guy who always slept at lunch. Any time I had the opportunity really.

But that's a work alarm, way too aggressive. Got any ideas?

Oh, that one is cool you shared here 😎

I would go with anything that @edprivat would make, a cover or his original. Though you listened to this video, but what best than wake up with these sounds, like last Friday :)

Ed who? Privvy? Marries interracially for attention Ed? *Never heard of'em.

Ooooooh! Burned!

My man. You know how many people I can not talk like that to? Embarrassing. I got ignore again today for some Dave Chapelle shot on a completely different article.

I've been told a few times I take it too far, "you went too far that time" they've said and I've never been able to make sense of it. They're just words. They're not hostage situations, home invasions, nothing physical at all—words. I don't know where this tangenty princessy response came from, I'll stop now.


I got ignore again today for some Dave Chapelle shot on a completely different article.


I've been summoned? Heellooooooooooooo 😇