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RE: DANCE COVER / LAW - Choreo Wootae by D-rock [Esp]-[Eng]

in Bee on the Stage2 months ago

You are right that your videos are very short and we are left wanting more, but in my opinion you complement it with your excellent introductions where you explain what you are going to show later, in addition, your talent for choreography is mesmerizing for the viewer, I admire you very much and I hope to continue to coincide with your work. If you didn't know this dance completely, no one has noticed because you are a great artist. Happy day!...

 2 months ago  

De verdad muchas gracias por nuevamente comentarme, no sabes cuánto quisiera traer una coreografía completa aquí a Hive y sé que lo haré, cuando pueda encontrar un poco más de tiempo estoy seguro de que lo haré, pero por ahora gracias en serio este tipo de comentarios me motiva a seguir dando todo de mí en estos vídeos y a traer más contenido a la comunidad, un saludo ❤️