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RE: Tulsa King

in CineTVlast year

My husband and I watched this. It was entertaining, but kind of funny in some ways too. It seemed to me they were making a conscious nod to the whole mob genre of films. Stallone definitely is the show. For his age, he does a good job. That works largely because he doesn't pretend to be anything but a 70something-year-old man. If you catch the credits, his daughter appears in the show as Spencer.

Good review, @seki1. I like the way you cover the technical aspects of the film.


I like the fact that they didn't try to tone down that fact..
One would expect that since it's an action film, the main actor be invulnerable, but here they made it as realistic as it could be..

Just an over 70 age mobster trying to make a honest-ish living 😅