Beyond the Blackboard (2011)

in CineTV7 months ago



An inspiring and moving film based on Stacey Bess's memoir Nobody Don't Love Nobody, directed by Jeff Bleckner and scripted by Camille Thomasson, it follows the life of a courageous teacher named Stacey Bess, played by Emily VanCamp.

The story is set in 1987, in a homeless shelter, where Stacey is assigned to teach the children who live there.



Despite facing overwhelming challenges, such as lack of resources and neglect from the education authorities, Stacey dedicates herself to providing a quality education to her students.

The film highlights the transformative power of education and how a committed teacher can make a significant difference in the lives of her students.

Through her dedication and love of teaching, Stacey is able to inspire and empower children, giving them renewed hope and the opportunity for a better future.

In addition to Emily VanCamp, the film stars Steve Talley, who plays Stacey's husband Mike Bess. Also featured are actors Timothy Busfield and Treat Williams, who play key people in the lives of Stacey and her students.



"Beyond the Blackboard" was filmed for television and reminds us of the importance of empathy, resilience and determination in education. It shows us that all children deserve a quality education, regardless of their circumstances.

A good choice for family viewing.


Thanks. I will add it to my "to watch list" :)