Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2011)

in CineTV11 months ago



This film, which deals with a controversial subject, was the target of much controversy among critics who had mixed opinions as to the quality of the film to be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars.

The plot revolves around a young autistic boy with Asperger's Syndrome who has been taught by his father to have personality and decision and for that he has invented a game of missions that is abruptly interrupted after his father's death in the terrorist attacks on the twin towers in New York.



This leaves him devastated but he takes refuge in a supposed mission entrusted by his father before his death and discovers interesting things that will mark his future.

The role of the autistic boy whose name is Oskar Schell, played by Thomas Horn is impeccable and it should be noted that it was his film debut and that it earned him the Broadcast Film Critics Association award.



The film also features Tom Hank as Thomas Schell, his father, Sandra Bullock as Linda, his mother, and Viola Davis as Abby Black, among others. The film is based on Jonathan Safran Foer's book of the same name and the actions take place and were filmed in New York City.

The estimated budget of the film was around 40 million dollars and since its release on December 25, 2011 to date has grossed just over 55 million, very little considering that it was nominated for two Oscars, Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor without obtaining any, however its protagonist, Viola Davis and Stephen Daldry won other awards with the work, the latter was the director and the work has been the one that has raised less money globally in the career of this.



It was criticized for presenting a vision of 9/11 that for many was irritating and some illogical actions that occurred, there was also much controversy for being accepted to be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscar, a fact that occurred due to new rules that came into force that year.

However, personally, I consider that for those who are familiar with autism it is a valuable film with common details that highlight the good work done by the writer and Eric Roth who wrote the screenplay.


An appropriate review of this touching film, which deals respectfully with the subject of autism and is characterized by excellent performances. Greetings, @andreseloy581.

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