P.S. I Love You (2007)

in CineTV9 months ago



"P.S. I Love You" is a film that our a heartbreaking story of love and loss, is based on the 2004 novel of the same name by Irish writer Cecelia Ahern.

The film, set in New York, follows the story of Holly Kennedy, played by Hilary Swank, a double Oscar winner for best actress in 2000 and 2005, a young widow who receives a series of letters from her late husband, Gerry, played by Gerard Butler.



Gerry, knowing that he would soon be leaving this world, arranged for a series of letters to be delivered to Holly after his passing. These letters guide Holly through her grief and encourage her to embrace life again.

As Holly navigates the letters, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Along the way, she encounters new experiences, makes new friends and even finds the possibility of new love.It is a heartbreaking story of love and loss.



It was released in December 2007 and received good reviews from moviegoers, who grossed $156 million at the box office, exceeding the production cost of around $30 million.

It is a traditional romance that undoubtedly keeps the viewer glued to the screen and shows a love story that goes beyond life itself.