[CineTV Contest: Foreign Cinema] A Really Strange Movie Experience! πŸ€” My Personal Story ✍️

in CineTV β€’ 3 years ago (edited)

I find it really hard to write about Movies, maybe I should just curate! My personal dilemma that I have been battling with lately. The recent drop in $HIVE value, makes me wonder if buying $CINE Tokens would be much more sensible. Perhaps many people here on #Hive think the same as me?

I see many posts in the #CineTV Community with hundreds of Upvotes, many write complex reviews of maybe 1,000 words. I could simply up-vote those posts I guess... πŸ€” Doing that would give me some very good CINE rewards in curation.

I don't have any expensive "pay to view" or "Cinema" type subscriptions on my TV that maybe some people have. Most of the films that I have seen were many years ago. Much like the films they seem to show on Netflix ~ endless repeats of old films.

This is begging to sound more of a rant than a post LOL ~ Just my thoughts and observations really!

Many years ago, I was living and working in Germany. The Company provided us with rented accommodation. Plus a large high quality rented BMW car and a special weekly "money bonus" for working abroad. The house had 4 bedrooms and a really swish Bar room in the Basement. This was the room where we watched endless films on cassette (sent over from England by post).

We bought German Beer by the crate (about 24 bottles in each crate). Four crates a week was normal, for our enjoyment and relaxation in the evenings after work. Watching normal German TV Channels was extremely painful, as none of us had any idea what the actors were saying (unless in sub-titles) occasionally.

Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 22.19.56.png

Above Source: "Screen Shot" from [here]

Anyway, I digress... 😎

One Sunday afternoon, we were all bored so decided to go find an English film somewhere. One of the major Towns had a multi-screen setup with just one Movie shown in English. The time was getting close to Christmas, and the film of the week was "Home Alone 2". Surprisingly the screen-room was packed with Germans! As most Germans speak excellent English, it's not a problem to them (with language).

Now here is the most unusual part: When we laughed at something funny that was said in the film, the Germans laughed about 10 seconds later than us. Also embarrassing at times, as they often turned their heads to see who was laughing early.

A really strange experience indeed!


Many Thanks for listening, see you soon... πŸ‘‹ Andy...
( My Curation Account for @andy4475 )

I may be too late for this Contest, as I already posted this article...

[CineTV Contest: Foreign Cinema] A Really Strange Movie Experience! πŸ€” My Personal Story ✍️

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Actually, this is a fine piece and I enjoyed reading it. It would go really nice with our previous cinetv contest "memories".
Moreover, I personally feel delighted by these tales more than the formulaic articles they call 'reviews'

You should write more, @andy4475

WoW! Thank you very much for your kind words, maybe I will try some more after your encouragement.

Yes, I saw the memories theme after I posted this, but I think the "theme" was more child memories really.

Anyway, I got some very nice rewards, so I'm very happy 😎


Yes, the focus was memories from childhood but all sorts of memories were welcome and many wrote so.

There's an ongoing contest though, regarding foreign cinema. The deadline is nigh (but we wouldn't mind a few hours or so). :)



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Okay , I have now entered, hope I edited it correctly 😎
Thanks @notacinephile



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@andy-cine! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @andy4475.

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Thanks Buzzzzzzy √
Enjoy some !PIZZA for your kind attention :)



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You're welcome @andy-cine, nice motivation πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
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Actually @lovesniper I'm not really a Newbie (as such).
I created this account simply to focus on Movies and TV curation for my main account @andy4475

Anyway, thanks for your kindness ~ appreciated √

This is definitely a great memory involving the Seventh Art, @andy-cine. Keep it safe on your mind.

Absolutely :)




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