Perfume: The Story of a Murderer Review

in CineTV2 years ago


I really liked this movie. I recommend you to watch. Anyway, I want to say something now but I'm afraid to say the ending, it's written so beautifully that it's worth the whole story, the movie. Don't leave it halfway or miss it, my skin is really perfect!

Jean-Baptiste Greenouille by character name and glory. No matter how miserable he started his life, the special power given to him came to a point where he never expected; just as it is said, it enabled him to have a more dangerous power than money, terror and death, to have the ability to dominate people's love. It is also a masterpiece based on Patrick Süskind's novel. I have not read the book, but it is not difficult to guess that there are original scenes in the movie.

At first, I talked about mastering love. What a simple sentence, but what does it contain? Something like that in real life. Who knows, maybe there will be someone who dominates your love. I dived into another place, but let me continue again about the movie; You can find yourself in a fairy-tale narrative, which was what I thought.

It tells the story of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, an orphan with a superhuman sense of smell, obsessed with creating the perfect perfume.

Grenouille is born in a fish market in Paris and is orphaned as a baby when his mother is hanged for infanticide. He is left to fend for himself on the streets and eventually becomes an apprentice to a tanner, where he learns the art of preserving animal hides. Despite his talent for tanning, Grenouille is hated and ostracized by his colleagues due to his strange behavior and appearance.

Grenouille's extraordinary sense of smell sets him apart from other people. He can detect the slightest odors and distinguish between thousands of different scents. This ability leads him to become interested in perfumery, and he becomes an apprentice to a perfumer named Giuseppe Baldini.

Baldini is initially impressed by Grenouille's talent and takes him on as an apprentice, but he eventually grows jealous of Grenouille's superior abilities. Grenouille becomes fixated on the idea of creating the perfect perfume, one that captures the essence of human life and emotion. He becomes obsessed with the idea of distilling the scents of young girls, believing that their pure, innocent smell is the key to creating the perfect perfume.

To this end, Grenouille begins a killing spree, murdering young girls and extracting their scents. He becomes a notorious serial killer and is eventually captured and put on trial for his crimes. Despite his crimes, Grenouille is not repentant and continues to pursue his goal of creating the perfect perfume.

Grenouille creates a perfume that is unlike any other, one that captures the essence of life itself. He uses it to draw in a crowd of people, who are enraptured by the scent and follow him wherever he goes. In the end, Grenouille is killed by the mob, his obsession with creating the perfect perfume ultimately leading to his demise.

Pros of Perfume: The Story of a Murderer:
Engaging plot
Well-developed characters
Strong themes

Cons of Perfume: The Story of a Murderer:
Disturbing subject matter
Graphic violence
Slow pacing

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is that explores the themes of isolation, obsession, and the human desire for perfection. It is a dark, disturbing tale that delves into the depths of human desire and the lengths to which some people will go to achieve their goals.

The story of first a murderer, then a pervert, then an artist, a lover, and finally a fool. It's a very interesting movie, but where did they find that story? So it's like a scripted version of a legend, folk tale or a fairy tale.

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Awesome movie thanks for the review


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