Cool History Bros

in CineTV2 years ago (edited)

         Are you into history? More specifically, Asian history. Don't know any language other than English like the stereotypical American you might be? Well, I have good news. I did come across a channel that makes quality animations for your educational purposes.

         Meet Cool History Bros on YouTube. The channel has only been around for two years. It's one of the only channels that focus on a more global audience by using English.

         I have watched the videos on the Three Kingdoms and Sengoku period. After all, they are two of the most romanticized periods of Asian history. As you can see, they are hefty at around 90 minutes each. If you are into documentaries, they are good watches. Even if you aren't interested in the visuals, they aren't bad for listening. Aside from history, the channel also dives into tropes that you may have seen in pop culture, but have no clue how they came to be.

         What truly impresses me is how the channel tackles the more confusing parts of history. A great example is the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period (五代十國). Trying to keep the warlords and the names straight at times is a challenge, even for native speakers.

         If you are looking for edutainment, it's a great channel to enrich yourself. Cool History Bros also suggests other content creators who are native speakers of the topics should you feel ready to do a deep dive. It's a channel worth watching.


Thanks for telling us. It is a good Channel i think and like it also.

This is really nice to know, thanks for sharing

Thank you for sharing this link, I love history and these are the kinds of things that really interest me.


I hope it'll be of use to you.

Thanks for that! YT algorithms are terrible for the non-stop feeding of stuff thats identical to what you've already watched so finding new and interesting channels is a nightmare unless you search something specifically.

I'll definitely be giving this channel a look as history taught in all countries seems to be totally biased towards its own history.

Hope you and your family are having a great weekend :-)

Bias is inevitable.

Hope you’ll like this channel.

I enjoy mostly WW2 stuff and Ancient history like most history chads :P

Now, you can expand your horizon.

I love history, but I don't know much about Asian history.
Europeans are a bit (a lot, that means) centralized in European history and don't get to learn more about the others civilizations.
Thank you for suggesting this channel.

Thank you!

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Interesting I haven't heard of them before. Learning a little something while being entertained is always a good thing in my book

They've got good summaries on things.

Bill Wurtz made the only asian history video I need :3

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