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RE: The Glory: A series well worth watching [ENG/ESP]

in CineTV4 months ago

Hello friend, I was thinking about writing post in another community as I was checking other communities, but I just came across your post hobday and made me realize this community. It's cool, this community is also good.

As for the movie, I've not watched it, but it looks good, this looks like the modern Korean movies, the ones that uses technologies right ?. I also love to watch Korean movies as I've watch a lot of Korean movies (not as much as some people though 😅😅), but this looks interesting. I'll watch it.

Have a nice day, my friend 😊.


Hello my friend! I'm glad you're interested in this community and I hope to see a post from you soon....

I don't usually watch so many Korean movies or series, but now I'm encouraging myself to watch them and I've been surprised for good!

Thank you very much. I'll do so 👍.

Oh, although Korean movies are interesting. It may not only be about Korean movies. This community is diverse, I like it.

I'm rooting for you 👍.