Frequency: an enduring science fiction thriller

in CineTVlast month



Gregory Hoblit created a riveting masterpiece of modern science fiction with Frequency, a transcendent story that contains elements of different film genres, such as time travel, suspense and counterfactual history.

Jim Caviezel and Dennis Quaid imbued the father-son duo Frank and John Sullivan with a touching humanity over decades, forging an eternal bond across the mysterious airwaves.

Andrea Martin brought warmth and wisdom to matriarch Nora, the bedrock of the family who keeps hope alive as her men interact mysteriously through the ages.



Quaid showed off his dramatic gifts by reinventing himself as a tough but big-hearted cop fighting crime and his inner demons, catalysed by communication from the future son he never got to meet.

Through phenomena that science struggles to explain, Frequency raises profound questions about fate and the possibility of rewriting tragedy, as well as our power to overcome any darkness through the luminous frequency of love.

The plot is set in New York, October 1999. John Sullivan (Caviezel), a 36-year-old homicide detective, is still not emotionally over the death of his father, firefighter Frank Sullivan (Quaid), thirty years earlier. John lives in the same house where he was raised, so one day he discovers his ham radio father's old radio after he has split up with his girlfriend, and decides to communicate through it.



Due to unusual polar aurora activity, John discovers that he has managed to make contact with his father exactly 30 years in the past, shortly before the day his father died in a house fire.

A modern masterpiece that embraces the mind and soul in equal measure, Frequency's brilliance intensifies with each viewing and is destined to endure.