The film tells the true story of the tumultuous legal events of the 1980s, brought to theaters as a thriller that examines the life of a wealthy European man accused of killing his wife Sunny, played by Glenn Close, while showing his legal proceedings and reflections on his legal defense. The film is a thriller, even for people we consider to be guilty.
The enigmatic aristocrat is defended by Dershowitz (Ron Silver), a prestigious Jewish lawyer.
The script is well constructed, Jeremy Irons' performance is excellent, the cinematography and set design are consistent with a thriller, and the accompanying music is composed by excellent musicians.
The open ending is unforgettable for the audience.
It was directed by Barbet Schoreder, with a screenplay by Elia Kazan, adapted from the book Reversal Fortune by Alan M. Dershowitz.
Jeremy Irons' performance won him an Oscar for Best Actor and Glenn Close a nomination for Best Supporting Actress.