"The 100", one of the best youth dystopias

in CineTV4 months ago



The dystopian series "The 100" grabbed me from the very first episode with its futuristic and intriguing survivalist premise.

After a nuclear war, humanity has taken refuge in space, but the strict control exercised by The Council has upset the balance.

When a hundred juvenile delinquents are sent back to the desolate Earth to examine its habitability, the real conflict is unleashed.



Over seven seasons, creator Jason Rothenberg managed to give this group of young people genuine nuance, turning them into complex tribal heroes and villains.

From alliances and betrayals among the 13 tribes that emerged, to the constant battle against mysterious radioactive threats, he kept the pulse racing until the very end.

With characters that grew and evolved in a decade, "The 100" transcended its premise to become a profound study of human survival, the weakness of hope and the price of unity. A must-see.



It will undoubtedly go down in posterity as one of the best youth dystopias in terms of both plot and longevity. I celebrate epoch-making series.