The Man from Toronto, an entertaining film

in CineTV4 months ago



The Man from Toronto ended up being one of the most entertaining but shallow films I've seen this year.

Directed by Patrick Hughes, it features two comedy stars in Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson who wanted to shine but couldn't find a strong script.

Hart and Harrelson have an obvious chemistry and know how to make you laugh, exploiting their characterisations of action man and confused bumbler respectively to the full.



It's impossible not to smile at their constant exchanges.

Visually Hughes also gets it right, with dynamic shots that accompany the frenetic pace and there is effective body humour.

However, the initial premise promised so much more and falls down in its second act, when it should have become more delirious, it remains a generic slapstick comedy.

Moreover, some of the gags feel stale and the resolution disappoints. There was a lack of spark in the script.

Hughes was able to harness the charisma of his stars, but not to their full potential. Unfinished business with a laugh.



Only for those looking for a good time without too many pretensions. If it had exploited its wackier side, it would have been memorable.