The Master a controversial movie

in CineTV9 months ago



This film is a drama about the Church of Scientology. Lancaster Dodd, played by Joaquin Phoenix, an intelligent man with unshakable beliefs, forms a new religious organization in 1952 that quickly gains popularity in the United States.

Freddie Quell, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, a young drifter, becomes his trusted assistant.

However, as the sect's influence expands and its followers become more fervent, Freddie begins to question the group's motives.



The film paints a vivid picture of individuals searching for direction and purpose in America's tumultuous post-World War II era, which is marked by instability and uncertainty about what the future holds.

Ultimately, they are drawn to the Cause and its charismatic leader.

A slow, contemplative film that delves into the minds of its characters, it received mixed reviews and was acclaimed by some for its performances and visual style.

Both its two lead actors and Amy Adams, who played Dodd's wife, were nominated for Oscars.
